The information on this tab includes data on the origin of the parts to be delivered:
This is an informational field and cannot be modified. The contents of this field are derived from the Order code field on the Parts form (Logistics tab). It shows the default sourcing method for the part: Purchase, Stock, or Production.
Order code |
Default origin |
Purchase to custom order |
Purchase |
Purchase to order, commercial quantity |
Purchase |
In stock |
Stock |
Delivery by customer |
Production |
Produce in new production file |
Production |
Copy calculation (phantom) |
Production |
You are not required to use this default origin for this sales line: the Purchase, Stock, and Production fields allow you to specify the quantities that will actually be obtained from purchasing, stock, or production.
This field specifies how much of the quantity required will be purchased.
This field specifies how much of the quantity required will be taken from stock.
Note: If you change the value in this field, you will be asked whether you want to apply the change to the underlying shipping schedule lines as well. The change will, however, only be applied to shipping lines that have the same stock features as the sales line involved.
This field specifies how much of the quantity required will be produced.
This field shows the number of parts for which you have already specified an origin in the 'Purchase', 'Stock', and 'Production' fields: it is the sum of the quantities from these fields. You cannot modify the field.
This total should ultimately match the number of parts specified on this sales line (see the Quantity field on the Origin tab), because you need to specify the origin for all of the parts you will be selling.
This field shows for how many parts you have not specified an origin yet. This field contains the difference between the number of parts for which an origin must be specified (Quantity field on the Origin tab), and the number of parts for which you have already specified an origin (Total specified field on the Origin tab). You cannot modify the field.
This field can be filled in only if the Purchase field contains a quantity to be obtained from purchasing. If the Purchase field is set to '0', the order code is not applicable.
If 'Unit' (i.e. stock unit) was selected as the unit on the General tab, you can choose from the order codes 'Purchase to custom order' and 'Purchase to order, commercial quantity'.
If 'Sales unit' was selected as the unit on the General tab, you can only order by commercial quantity, i.e. the purchase unit. The reason for this is that the sales unit cannot always be converted into the purchase unit, which makes it impossible to enter custom orders. Also, there is no guarantee that the supplier of the part can actually deliver it in the sales unit defined in the program, because the sales unit can be set freely by your company.
This field can be filled in only if the Purchase field contains a quantity to be obtained from purchasing. If the Purchase field is set to '0', the supplier is not applicable.
If you enter a supplier in this field, this supplier will appear on the purchase requirement for the part. If necessary, the supplier can still be changed on the purchase requirement.
Select the 'Offer request' check box if you want to request one or more suppliers to submit an offer for a sales line with a 'Purchasing' origin.
This field can be filled in only if the Stock field contains a quantity to be obtained from stock. If the Stock field is set to '0', the lot number is not applicable.
The warehouse entered here is set as the default warehouse when a shipping schedule is created. Before you actually ship the part, you can still change the warehouse by entering a different warehouse.
This field can be filled in only if the Stock field contains a quantity to be obtained from stock. If the Stock field is set to '0', the lot number is not applicable.
The location entered here is set as the default location when a shipping schedule is created. Before you actually ship the part, you can still change the location by entering a different location.
This field can be filled in only if the Stock field contains a quantity to be obtained from stock. If the Stock field is set to '0', the lot number is not applicable.
The lot number entered here is set as the default lot number when a shipping schedule is created. Before you actually ship the part, you can still change the lot number by entering a different number.
This field can be filled in only if the Stock field contains a quantity to be obtained from stock. If the Stock field is set to '0', the lot number is not applicable.
The certificate number entered here is set as the default certificate number when a shipping schedule is created. Before you actually ship the part, you can still change the certificate number by entering a different number.
This field can be filled in only if the Stock field contains a quantity to be obtained from stock. If the Stock field is set to '0', the lot number is not applicable.
The stock status entered here is set as the default stock status when a shipping schedule is created. Before you actually ship the part, you can still change the status by entering a different status.
This field can be filled in only if the Stock field contains a quantity to be obtained from stock. If the Stock field is set to '0', the lot number is not applicable.
The stock date entered here is set as the default stock date when a shipping schedule is created. Before you actually ship the part, you can still change the date by entering a different date.