Components to ship

The Components to ship form lists the components you need to send for the outsourcing job. A component is a part that has already been subjected to one or more operations.

To define the components of a product, open the Production calculation for operations form and click the Subsequent operation button. In the Component field on that form, enter a name for the part processed. Then use this component on the Components to ship form to specify which items you will ship.


The first operation in a production file is 'Sawing'. The part being sawn is a six-meter pipe. The next operation is an external operation, and you want to send three two-meter pipes to the contractor who will perform this external operation. On the Subsequent operations form, enter "3 2m pipes" in the Component field. When you create the shipments for the external operation, select the "3 2m pipes" component on the Components to ship form.