The Receipt schedule form allows you to register partial deliveries for the selected purchase offer or order. Create a line for every partial delivery, specifying how many goods will be received and when.
When you create a purchase line, the first receipt line will automatically be created on the Receipt schedule form. This receipt line contains the receipt date and the quantity from the purchase line. These data can be changed, where necessary. If you then create additional receipt lines for the other partial receipts, the remaining receipt quantity will be proposed. These quantities can be modified as well.
Note: For the second and subsequent receipt lines, the date is copied from the purchase line, but this date will not change if the date on the purchase line changes.
Consequences for receipt schedule when confirming purchase lines for parts
If you have not added any additional receipt lines to the receipt schedule and then confirm a purchase line for parts (either manually or using the Confirm purchase lines process), the receipt line is automatically confirmed as well. If you do not want this to happen, you can clear the Confirmed check box on the receipt line.
If you did add receipt lines to the receipt schedule of a purchase line, the receipt lines will not automatically be confirmed when the purchase line is confirmed. They will be confirmed automatically, however, if you select the Confirm purchase receipt schedule check box on the Confirm purchase lines processing form.
Consequences for purchase order confirmation when confirming receipt lines
If you have confirmed all receipt lines individually, the Confirmed check box on the Progress tab of the parent purchase line will be selected automatically. If you then remove the confirmation from all receipt lines, the Confirmed check box on the Progress tab of the purchase line will be cleared as well.
Tip: For stock parts, you can display a graphical overview of the deliveries or partial deliveries to be received. Select the part ordered in the Parts module, open the Information menu, and choose Stock overview, Planned stock transactions.