The contents of the BOM are determined by the engineering item or the part. Some field values can be changed, such as the value of the Quantity field.
If the External check box is selected, the BOM line was created by an external application, such as a CAD or PDM integration. The line is managed mainly in the external application. You can change the line in Isah, but it is possible that during synchronization, it will be overwritten by data from the external application.
If the BOM line was created in Isah, the check box is empty and the part is managed only in Isah. This is an informational field and cannot be changed.
Define the dimensions for parts in the engineering BOM. The dimensions of engineering items in the engineering BOM are copied from the engineering item, if this information is available in the engineering item details.
The weight has been calculated. The calculation differs for engineering items and parts in the engineering BOM:
After an engineering BOM line has been changed, the Changed check box is selected and the following data are filled in: the user who made the change and the date and time the change was made.
The changes could include:
The Changed field is cleared after successful synchronization with the production calculation. (The synchronization is successful if no synchronization messages are written to the log.)
After a successful synchronization with the production calculation, the Executed field will be filled with the following data: the user who performed the synchronization and the date and time of the synchronization.