The part code uniquely identifies a part. The code is used to refer to the part on documents such as offers, orders, and purchase orders.
Part codes can be changed only using the Change part code process in the Processes folder in the Parts module.
You can use this informational field to enter additional information. The remark is an internal field and will not appear on documents.
The unit in this field is the unit in which the stock is maintained. When filling in this field, you can select a value from the list box, or you can enter a unit that is not present in the list box.
Note: For purchase and sales, you can specify units that are different from the stock unit. For example, you could maintain the stock of a particular pipe in pieces, sell them in a set of six, and buy them in kilograms. The purchase and sales units are entered on their corresponding tabs.
This field can only be changed if the current stock is zero.
Make sure that the unit and the unit code are a logical combination. For example, if you set the stock unit to 'Length', make sure to set the unit code to 'Quantity * Length'. Similarly, if you set the stock unit to 'Pieces', set the unit code to 'Quantity'. The unit and the unit code must match during stock registration, otherwise the stock will not be maintained correctly.
The unit code in this field is used:
The unit code determines the data you will have to specify during the stock registration and calculation processes. If, for example, the unit code is 'Quantity * Length', a quantity and length will have to be specified during stock registration, and no width or height can be entered.
This field can only be changed if the current stock is zero.
Make sure that the unit and the unit code are a logical combination. For example, if you set the stock unit to 'Length', make sure to set the unit code to 'Quantity * Length'. Similarly, if you set the stock unit to 'Pieces', set the unit code to 'Quantity'. The unit and the unit code must match during stock registration, otherwise the stock will not be maintained correctly.
You can use various unit codes for parts, for example 'Quantity' for piece parts, or 'Quantity * Length' for parts for which you always want to register their length. The unit code of a part determines which dimension fields (Length, Width, or Height) are mandatory when a part is used, for example in a part calculation or on a purchase order. For a part with the 'Quantity * Length * Width' unit code, for example, you are required to specify the length and width when you add the part to a calculation, a purchase order, etcetera.
When registering the part itself in the Parts module, you can use the General tab to specify the length, width and height, even if the unit code does not require this information. For a part with the 'Quantity' unit code, for example, you can specify the length and width. In general, you will specify these dimensions only for piece parts, and then only if the part has fixed dimensions. Examples include rods that are often used in commercial six-meter lengths. As in this case the length is merely informational, you need to set the dimension length and the unit code length to 'Pieces'.
Unit codes may vary by functional area. For example, you may register a particular part in the stock records as a piece part, but purchase it in lengths, and register its price in kilos. To ensure that you can change the unit at any time without any problems, you need to enter conversion information. Enter this conversion information on the different tabs of the Parts form.
Note: If both the stock unit and the purchase unit are set to 'Quantity * Length', and you make purchase the part to order, you need to specify the length of the part, because otherwise the purchase unit cannot be converted to stock units. The Length field is not obligatory, however, when making the purchase. If you do not enter the length, a purchase requirement will be created without quantities and dimensions.
m |
Unit code: |
'Quantity * Length' |
pieces |
Unit code: |
'Quantity' |
1 purchase unit = 6 stock units |
Weight |
10 euro per kg |
In the example above, the purchasing method (in stock units or purchase units) determines which settings apply.
This is the weight for one stock unit (see the Unit field on the General tab).
The setting of this field is used to convert the unit (for example, 'Pieces') into the number of kilograms, and vice versa. If you fill in this field correctly, you could, for instance, order a part in 'Number of pieces', but receive or use it in kilograms. The conversion feature uses the setting of the Weight field.
If this field is empty, it is not possible to convert units into kilograms or vice versa for this part.
Note: This field is mandatory if the Calculation unit field on the Calculation/production, Purchase, Sales or Financial tab is set to 'Weight'.
This is the surface area of one stock unit (see the Unit field on the General tab).
The value of this field is used to convert the unit (for example, 'Pieces') into the number of square meters, and vice versa. If you fill in this field correctly, you could, for instance, order a part in 'Number of pieces', but receive or use it in square meters. The conversion feature uses the setting of the Surface area field.
If this field is empty, it is not possible to convert a unit into a surface area or vice versa anywhere in Isah.
Note: This field is mandatory if the Calculation unit field on the Calculation/production, Purchase, Sales or Financial tab is set to 'Surface area'.
Use these fields to specify the dimensions of the part. Part dimensions are filled in only if the part has fixed dimensions. For parts with variable dimensions, dimensions are registered only at the time the part is used in a calculation, on a purchase order, or on a sales order.
You can use various unit codes for parts, for example 'Quantity' for piece parts, or 'Quantity * Length' for parts for which you always want to register their length. The unit code of a part determines which dimension fields (Length, Width, or Height) are mandatory when a part is used, for example in a part calculation or on a purchase order. For a part with the 'Quantity * Length * Width' unit code, for example, you are required to specify the length and width when you add the part to a calculation, a purchase order, etcetera.
When registering the part itself in the Parts module, you can use the General tab to specify the length, width and height, even if the unit code does not require this information. For a part with the 'Quantity' unit code, for example, you can specify the length and width. In general, you will specify these dimensions only for piece parts, and then only if the part has fixed dimensions. Examples include rods that are often used in commercial six-meter lengths. As in this case the length is merely informational, you need to set the dimension length and the unit code length to 'Pieces'.
Unit codes may vary by functional area. For example, you may register a particular part in the stock records as a piece part, but purchase it in lengths, and register its price in kilos. To ensure that you can change the unit at any time without any problems, you need to enter conversion information. Enter this conversion information on the different tabs of the Parts form.
Note: If both the stock unit and the purchase unit are set to 'Quantity * Length', and you make purchase the part to order, you need to specify the length of the part, because otherwise the purchase unit cannot be converted to stock units. The Length field is not obligatory, however, when making the purchase. If you do not enter the length, a purchase requirement will be created without quantities and dimensions.
m |
Unit code: |
'Quantity * Length' |
pieces |
Unit code: |
'Quantity' |
1 purchase unit = 6 stock units |
Weight |
10 euro per kg |
In the example above, the purchasing method (in stock units or purchase units) determines which settings apply.
You can use this field to enter additional information about the part. The contents of this informational field are displayed on various Isah forms, including offers and orders. The size in this field is not used in calculations.
You can use this field to enter additional information about the part. The contents of this informational field are displayed on various Isah forms, including offers and orders.
This field shows which part revision is currently valid:
The Revision field shows the revision of the part specified on the selected line. If revisions are not used in your company, the value of this field is always '000'.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
Note: The revision in this field does not have to be the revision of which the details are displayed on the screen. The Isah info bar (immediately above the tabs) shows the revision of which the details are displayed. If you choose a different revision, the data relating to that revision will appear on your screen. The info bar is also updated to reflect the revision you selected. To view the details of a different revision, choose Select revision from the Edit menu.
These fields are informational fields and cannot be modified. The start date is the day on which the part revision in the Revision field becomes valid.
The end date is the last day on which the part revision is valid.
This field contains the drawing number (retrieved from the Drawings file) that applies to the part. If you add the part to the sales line of an offer or order, this drawing number will automatically be copied to the offer or order. The field value can still be modified here.
To add multiple drawings to a part, click the Drawings button.
Drawings can also be saved in Documents. In that case, you do not use drawing numbers.
This is an informational field showing the value of the corresponding field in the Drawings file for the specified drawing.
This is an informational field showing the value of the corresponding field in the Drawings file for the specified drawing.
The part type indicates the type of part:
Parts are organized into part groups. This field contains the group to which the part belongs. You are required to specify a part group.
The Part group field is shown both on the General tab and on the Financial tab. The General tab displays the group the part belongs to, but does not allow you to change it. The Financial tab does allow you to change the field value.
If stock is available for this part, the part group cannot be changed.
If the software is linked to accounting software, changing a part group may have financial implications, as part groups may be used to post entries to specific ledger accounts.
The part status indicates the current part phase, for example 'Released for production'. The use of part statuses is not required.
Quality standards are used to indicate the quality standards the part must meet, such as 'Heat resistant' or 'Epoxied'. If the part is included in an sales offer or order, also the quality will be displayed. The field value can still be modified here.
You can manually enter the ABC code, but the ABC classification can also be created automatically using the Determine ABC code process in the Parts module.
ABC codes allow you to organize parts, usually by order of turnover and stock transactions. ABC codes can also be used to control processes, such as stock counts. For example, you might count 'A' type parts once a month, 'B' type parts once every three months, and 'C' type parts once a year.
The current code can be used to indicate whether the part is current or not. Current is an informational field, and is not used to control processes.
Use this field to indicate that the data are no longer valid. Records set to 'Obsolete' will disappear from the list. They can still be retrieved, however, using a preset that also displays obsolete data.