If your company uses profiles, enter how the quantities on the calculation lines of a profile are to be checked when the quantity of the profile changes.
When the profile quantity is changed, also the quantities on the original calculation lines are automatically changed for all underlying profile lines. The quantities required for the profile lines are always made to match the quantities of the original calculation line. With this setting, the quantity specified on the calculation line cannot be changed if the calculation line is linked to a profile line. |
If the quantity of the profile changes, for each calculation line you will be asked whether the quantity in the original calculation is to be modified. You will be asked this question for each profile line. If you answer "No", the profile and calculation line quantities will differ. In this case, you are responsible for the correct quantities. |
No quantities are checked. If the profile quantity changes, the quantity in the original calculation is not automatically modified. In this case, you are responsible for the correct quantities in the original calculation. |