Purchase price search path

The search path for purchase prices determines the purchase price and/or discount, and is used when creating and entering purchase requirements and purchase order lines. The price and/or discount found can be changed manually, if required.

Tip: The Origin tab of the purchase requirement and the Price origin tab of the purchase line show how the price and/or discount have been determined.

Click here for a detailed explanation of the search path.

Purchase price search path

Note: In principle, the search path always has one result. There is one exception, however. If the Part purchase price field of the part (the lowest level of the search path) contains a price, and no price list has been specified for the part, you can combine this price with a discount by using a general price list or a supplier's price list. The price specification will then have two components: the purchase price of the part and the discount. This exception only occurs if the general price list or supplier price list contains a discount, and it is used in combination with the Part purchase price field.