Quick order entry

The order process consists of a number of steps. For each of those steps, you can choose to add or change data. Sometimes, being able to process the entire order quickly may be more important than having a choice of options, for example when making an over-the-counter sale. In that case, you use Quick order entry.

Use the quick order entry functionality to enter a sales order on a single form. You can add sales lines to the sales order. In addition, you can choose to have the shipping notes, invoice recommendations and sales invoices created automatically based on the data you enter. You can specify the data to be created automatically by using the Process to field.

If you do not want to enter a customer name during the quick order entry process (for example in the case of a delivery at the counter), use a dummy customer. Please do take into account, however, that this will leave the invoice amount outstanding without you knowing whether the invoice has been paid.

Special information relating to quick order entry