Enter your preferred delivery address type for the selected sales type. As soon as the sales type is filled in on a sales offer or order, this default value will automatically be filled in on the offer or order.
Select this check box if, in general, you will use periodic invoices for this sales type. As soon as the sales type is filled in on a sales offer or order, this default value will automatically be filled in on the offer or order.
Specify a plan group if a particular plan group has been set for the sales type. As soon as the sales type is filled in on a sales offer or order, this default value will automatically be filled in on the offer or order.
Plan groups are used to group project costs.
Choose whether you want to use cost-plus invoicing for this sales type by default. As soon as the sales type is filled in on a sales offer or order, this default value will automatically be filled in on the offer or order.
If you set the Cost-plus invoicing field to 'Yes', enter the preferred type in the Cost-plus invoicing type field.
As soon as the sales type is filled in on a sales offer or order, this default value will automatically be filled in on the offer or order.