Output field values

Use the Output field values form to specify the result values for the output variables. These values are the possible results of a flexible search path.

For example, when creating a flexible search path for commercial rates, you can define the price per currency and date. This is the price that will be used if this line is valid (currency and date match) in the flexible search path.

Whether you can add just one line or more than one line depends on the setting of the One row of output values check box on the Operational applications form. If this check box is selected, only one line can be added.

An example of an application that can have only one row of data is an application in which prices are registered. The reason for this limitation is that in any given situation, only one price can be valid at the same time.

An example of an application that can have multiple rows of data is an application in which a default engineer is registered, as more than one engineer may be qualified for a particular job. Where multiple options are available, the user will have to choose.

The following logic is used to determine the actual output value(s):