Find documents

Use the Find documents process to search for properties or keywords in your documents, in order to quickly find the document you need.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the items you want to use to search for a document. They are the features and keywords specified during document registration (on the Documents form or on the linking forms). For example, you could select both Description and Keywords if you are looking for an offer, but are not sure whether the term "offer" is found in the description or in the keywords of the document.
  2. Select the appropriate criterion. For example, if the description must contain the word "drawing", select Contains.
  3. In the Search text field, enter the search term, for example "drawing" or "offer". The search is not case sensitive.

    When specifying a search term for remarks or keywords, you can use the following wildcards and other special characters:

    Find what



    Any character



    Returns all documents containing the string "ball", "bell", etcetera.

    Any character in the specified range



    Returns all documents containing the string "log" or "lot".

    Any character outside the specified range



    Returns all documents not containing the string "log" or "lot".

  4. Click the Apply button. A message will appear indicating the number of documents found. A list of the documents found is also displayed. By double-clicking the result lines, the Documents form opens, and the document found is selected.