Mass modify prices

Run the Mass modify prices process to change multiple part prices simultaneously.

The Mass modify prices process enables you to apply a price change to:

Note: Changing the fixed valuation price (FVP) or the average purchase price (APP) of a part has financial implications. The reason is that they are the prices used for stock valuation. If Isah is linked to financial software, a journal entry is created when the FVP or APP is changed.

If you choose to modify fixed valuation prices, the process is executed only for parts for which the stock valuation method is 'Fixed valuation price'. If you choose to modify the average purchase price, the process is executed only for parts for which the stock valuation method is 'Average purchase price'.

A price change can be entered in various ways, for example as a percentage (plus or minus), as a fixed sum (plus or minus), as an all-new price, or by having a particular price (such as the calculation price) entered in another price field (such as the FVP).