Isah Script Classes


One of the advantages of VBScript engine version 5.1 is the support for classes. This means that you can now use classes to create objects in scripts. The create object function creates and returns a reference to an object. The following system script has been added as an example of how to create an object in a script:

Script I0047: Object Definition of Simple Script Lookup Form

rem Description : Simple Lookup Class

Class TSimpleLookup

public Version

public Title

public ResultField

public LocateValue

public Cancelled

private quLookup

Public Property Let SQL( aSqlStatement )

quLookup.SQL = aSqlStatement

End Property

Public Property Get ResultValue

ResultValue = quLookup( ResultField ).Value

End Property

rem Setup Initialize event

Private Sub Class_Initialize

set quLookup = Application.DataBase.CreateQuery( "" ) Cancelled = false

Version = "1.0.0"

End Sub

rem Setup Terminate event

Private Sub Class_Terminate

Set quLookup = nothing

End Sub

rem ....................................................................

public function Lookup


quLookup.Locate ResultField, LocateValue , 3

Lookup = quLookup.Lookup( Title , ResultField )

end function

end Class

Note: Please refer to the example in the Lookup Function for more information about how to use a class.