Edit Form With Childs Code Snippet

Dim frmParent

Sub Main

Set frmParent = IsahObjects.Get("EditFormObject")

frmParent.GridSQL = "SELECT * FROM T_Country"

frmParent.KeyField = "CountryCode"

frmParent.Tablename = "Country"

frmParent.FormTitle = "Editform with childbuttons"

frmParent.TabRecord.TabVisible = False

frmParent.GridEditAllowed = False

frmParent.EditInGrid = False

frmParent.PrimaryKey = "CountryCode"

frmParent.panExtra.Visible = True

Set btnChildMsgBox =IsahObjects.Get("IsahDBChildButtonObject")

btnChildMsgBox.Parent = frmParent.panExtra

btnChildMsgBox.Caption = "Custom Fields3"

btnChildMsgBox.onClick = "BtnChildMsgBoxOnClick"

Set btnChildForm=IsahObjects.Get("IsahDBChildButtonObject")

btnChildForm.Parent = frmParent.panExtra

btnChildForm.Caption = "Custom Fields2"

btnChildForm.onClick = "BtnChildFormOnClick"

Set btnChildEditForm =IsahObjects.Get("IsahDBChildButtonObject")

btnChildEditForm.Parent = frmParent.panExtra

btnChildEditForm.Caption = "Custom Fields"

btnChildEditForm.onClick = "BtnChildEditFormOnClick"

btnChildEditForm.TabOrder = 0

btnChildForm.TabOrder = 1

btnChildMsgBox.TabOrder = 2


Set btnChildMsgBox = nothing

Set btnChildForm = nothing

Set btnChildEditForm = nothing

Set frmParent = nothing

End Sub

Sub BtnChildEditFormOnClick(Sender)

Set frmChild = IsahObjects.Get("EditFormObject")

frmChild.GridSQL = "SELECT * FROM ST_ScriptExample2 WHERE CountryCode=:CountryCode"

frmChild.FormTitle = "An editable child form"

frmChild.KeyField = "CountryCode"

frmChild.PrimaryKey = "CountryCode;CityCode"


frmChild.GridEditAllowed = True

frmChild.EditInGrid = True



Set frmChild = nothing

End sub

Sub BtnChildMsgBoxOnClick(Sender)

MsgBox frmParent.gridFieldByName("CountryCode").asString

End Sub

Sub BtnChildFormOnClick(Sender)

Dim frmChildForm, edtCountryCode

Set frmChildForm = IsahObjects.Get("TForm")

With frmChildForm

.Loading = True

.Name = "frmChildForm"

.Left = 417

.Top = 284

.Width = 314

.Height = 205

.Caption = "A linked Form object"

.Color = -16777201

.Font.Charset = 1

.Font.Color = -16777208

.Font.Height = -11

.Font.Name = "MS Sans Serif"

.Font.Style = 0

.OldCreateOrder = 0

.PixelsPerInch = 96

.TextHeight = 13

End With

Set edtCountryCode = IsahObjects.Get("TEdit")

With edtCountryCode

.Parent = frmChildForm

.Name = "edtCountryCode"

.Left = 136

.Top = 8

.Width = 121

.Height = 21

.TabOrder = 0

.Text = frmParent.gridFieldByName("CountryCode").asstring

End With

frmChildForm.Loading = False


Set frmChildForm = nothing

End Sub