TScrollBox Control



Represents a scrolling area (a scroll box) in a window.


Use TScrollBox to create a scroll box in a window. One use of a scroll box is to prevent areas of a window, such as a toolbar or status bar built with TPanel controls, from scrolling. To prevent a toolbar and status bar from scrolling, hide the window's scroll bars, and then position a scroll box in the client area of the window between the toolbar and status bar. The scroll bars associated with the scroll box will appear to belong to the window, but will scroll only the area inside the scroll box.

Another use of scroll boxes is to create multiple scrolling areas (views) in a window. A scroll box can contain controls, such as TButton and TCheckBox.

TScrollBox Properties

Property Property BorderStyle

Property Property AutoScroll: Boolean (R/W)

Indicates whether scroll bars appear automatically on the scrolling windowed control if it is not large enough to display all of its controls. If AutoScroll is true, the scroll bars appear automatically when necessary. For example, if the user resizes the control so that some of its controls are partially obscured, scroll bars appear. If AutoScroll is false, scroll bars don't appear automatically. In this case, use the HorzScrollBar and VertScrollBar properties to make scroll bars appear.

Property Property HorzScrollBar: Scrollbar object (R)

Represents the horizontal scroll bar for the scrolling windowed control. Use HorzScrollBar to hide, show, or manipulate the horizontal scroll bar for the scrolling windowed control.

Property Property VertScrollBar: Scrollbar object (R)

Represents the vertical scroll bar for the scrolling windowed control. Use VertScrollBar to hide, show, or manipulate the vertical scroll bar for the scrolling windowed control.