TStatusBar Control



Represents a status bar.


The TStatusBar control is a row of panels, usually aligned at the bottom of a form, that display information about an application as it runs. Each panel is represented by a TStatusPanel object listed in the Panels property. The SimplePanel property can be used to toggle the status bar at runtime between a single- and multiple-panel display.

TStatusBar Properties

Property Property Panels: Panels collection (R)

Lists the panels (TStatusPanel objects) in the status bar. The Panels property holds a TStatusPanels-that is, a collection of TStatusPanel objects.

Property Property SimplePanel: Boolean (R/W)

Determines whether the status bar displays a single panel or multiple panels. If SimplePanel is set to true, the status bar consists of a single panel displaying the text in SimpleText. If SimplePanel is set to false, the status bar displays a separate panel for each item in its Panels property.

Note: When SimplePanel is false, you can't use the SimpleText property to display text in the status bar. Instead, you must set the Text property on one of the panel objects.


Property Property SizeGrip: Boolean (R/W)

Determines whether the status bar is resizable at runtime. If SizeGrip is set to true, the status bar has a triangular grip on the lower right corner. The user can resize the status bar by dragging the grip with the mouse. A size grip will not be drawn unless the Parent property refers to the child of a TCustomForm descendant with a BorderStyle of bsSizeable or bsSizeToolWin.

Note: If Align is set to alBottom, alRight, or alClient, the sizing grip will not work. If the Alignment property of the last panel in the status bar is set to taRightJustify, the sizing grip will truncate the panel's text.