TDBListBox Control



Represents a data-aware list box that allows users to change field values by selecting an item from a list.


Use TDBListBox to add a list box to a form that permits users to change the value of a field on the current record to one of a fixed set of choices. If the application doesn't require the data-aware capabilities of TDBListBox, use a list box (TListBox) instead.

TDBListBox Properties

Property Property Items: TStringList object (R)

Lists the strings that appear in the list box. Use Items to specify the values the user can choose from. Because Items is an object of type TStrings, you can add, delete, insert items using the Add, Delete, Insert methods of the TStringList object.

General Data-Aware Control Properties

Property Property DataField: String (R/W)

Property Property DataSource: TDataSource (R/W)

Property Property ReadOnly: Boolean (R/W)