Options.SortByDisplayText Property

Property Property Options.SortByDisplayText: Enumerated (R/W)


The SortByDisplayText property determines how values in a column will be sorted.




Default. The value displayed in the column will be used.


On. The value displayed in the column will be used. This value can have another datatype than the datatype of the value which is displayed in the column. (For example, a boolean column value (0 or 1) can have a display text in a natural language ('Out of Stock' or 'In Stock').

Code Snippet

rem Change the field display text

columnPurWhLocationCodeDefInd.OnGetDataText = "PurWhLocationCodeDefIndGetDataText"

rem Sort the column by Displaytext instead of the underlying field value

columnPurWhLocationCodeDefInd.Options.SortByDisplayText = 1 '0=default; 1=On

Sub PurWhLocationCodeDefIndGetDataText(Sender, ARecord, AText)

rem change the display text for a boolean field to test the SortByDisplayText property

'AText = "dummy"

If AText = "True" Then

AText = "In Stock"


AText = "Out of Stock"

End If

End Sub