PropertiesClassName Property

Property Property PropertiesClassName(aClassName:String) (W)


Use this property to specify the name of the editor class. After specifying this name you can access the properties belonging to the editor class via the properties property.


The formal parameter of this property is case sensitive!

See PropertyClassNames for all available classnames.

For the Isah specific classnames the most important properties are documented below:

columnPartGrpCode.PropertiesClassName = "TIsahGridButtonEditProperties"

columnPartGrpCode.Properties.OnIsahButtonClick = "PartGrpCodeLookup"

columnPartGrpCode.Properties.LookupTag = 410000

Sub PartGrpCodeLookup(Column)

lookupValue = Column.Field.asString

Column.Field.asString = Lookup("Select PartGrpCode, Description From T_PartGrp Where PartGrpCode <> ''" _

,"Selecteer", "PartGrpCode", "PartGrpCode", "PartGrpCode", lookupValue)

End Sub

columnDescription.PropertiesClassName = "TIsahGridMaskEditProperties"

'columnDescription.Properties.EditMask = "\d+"

'columnDescription.Properties.MaskKind = 2 '1 = Standard, 2 = RegExpr, 3 = RegExprEx (with auto complete)

rem some example masks"

rem telephone number "(000)_000-0000;0;*"

rem auto completion ' "\w+' 'like' '\w+' 'apples!"

rem letters only '[a-zA-Z]+'

rem decimals only '\d+'

rem Editor specific properties:

'columnDescription.Properties.CharCase = 1

'columnDescription.Properties.ReadOnly = 0

'columnDescription.Properties.MaxLength = 12

'columnDescription.Properties.PassWordChar = "*"

' columnDescription.Properties.EchoMode = 2