TIsahDBButtonEdit Control


This control is derived from TDBEdit. Contains a Lookup button which triggers the OnCustomDlg event. This event can be used to program a lookup form (see the TEditForm Object).

Code Snippet

Set idbbedtCountryCode = IsahObjects.Get("TIsahDBButtonEdit")

With idbbedtCountryCode

.Parent = grpbxCountryCode

.Name = "idbbedtCountryCode"

.Left = 120

.Top = 48

.Width = 121

.Height = 21

.TabOrder = 2

.LookupTag = 0

.OnCustomDlg = "idbbedtCountryCodeCustomDlg"

End With

Sub idbbedtCountryCodeCustomDlg(Sender)

idbbedtCountryCode.Text = "A value"

End Sub