TPrintDialog Component



Displays a Print dialog.


The TPrintDialog component displays a standard Windows dialog box for sending jobs to a printer. The dialog is modal and does not appear at runtime until it is activated by a call to the Execute method.

TPrintDialog Properties

Property Property Collate: Boolean (R/W)

Indicates whether the Collate check box is selected. Collate is true whenever the Collate check box is selected in the Print dialog. To make the dialog open with the check box selected, set Collate to true in the Object Inspector or in program code.

Property Property Copies: Integer (R/W)

Indicates the number copies selected in the Print dialog. If Copies is 0 or 1, the dialog will have 1 in the Number of Copies field. To make the dialog open with 2 or more copies selected, set the value of Copies in the Object Inspector or in program code.