Record Object


The record object contains all data from the current record and this data can be read, modified and deleted.


For most scripts in the application, it is important to know which record is current when a script is started. It then must be possible to modify the current record, or even to delete the current record completely, for example when copying a calculation. You can do all this using the Record object.

Properties, Procedures and Functions

Property Property Deleted: Boolean (R/W)

Property Property FieldCount: Integer (R)

Property Property FieldIndexOf( Fieldname: String ): Integer (R)

Property Property FieldModified( Fieldname: Integer ): Boolean (R)

Property Property Fields( Fieldname: Integer ): Variant (R/W)

Property Property Modified: Boolean (R)

Property Property FieldValues( Fieldname: String ): Variant (R/W)

Property Property FieldNames( Fieldnumber: Integer ): String (R)

Property Property X_FieldChanged: Integer (R)

Property Property X_DBHandle: Variant (R)

Property Property X_MoveBy: Integer (W)

Function Procedure Delete