CreateQuery Object

Function Function CreateQuery( SQL: String ): Query_Object


Creates a read-only Query object.


The Query object allows read-only query access to the database. Please note that you cannot use the Query object to run updates. You can, however, use the CreateUpdateQuery function for this purpose.



Returns a Query object.

Properties, Procedures and Functions

Property Property Fields: IsahFields_Object (R)

Property Property SQL: String (R/W)

Function Procedure Prepare

Function Procedure Unprepare

Function Procedure Open

Function Procedure Close

Function Procedure First

Function Procedure Next

Function Procedure Previous

Function Procedure Last

Function Procedure MoveBy( PositionNumbers : Integer )

Function Procedure ExecSQL

Function Function EOF: Boolean

Function Function BOF: Boolean

Function Function Lookup( [Caption: String], [Column: Variant], [Value: Variant] ): Boolean

Function Function Locate( KeyFields: String, KeyValues: Variant, Options: Integer): Boolean


Sub Main()

Dim Query


Dim Answer

SQL = "Select LangCode , Description From Language"

Set Query = Application.DataBase.CreateQuery( SQL )

' Places the SQL statement on screen

MsgBox "The SQL statement is: " & vbcrlf & Query.sql


Answer = "EN"

IF Query.LookUp("Find a language","Language",Answer) then

Answer = Query("language").Value

MsgBox "The selected language is: " & Answer

End If

' Positions the query at the first record if it is not positioned at the beginning

If not Query.BOF then


End If

' The query is now positioned at the first record

' Show the value of this field in a message box

MsgBox Query("CountryCode")

' Run the entire query and show all values

Do Until Query.EOF

' Show a value of the "Description" field

MsgBox Query("CountryCode").Value

' Proceed to the next record



' Close the query


End Sub