
Although the IsahForms object still functions as before, it is recommended that you start using the new TForm Object as the basis for creating custom forms in Isah. The TForm object offers improved possibilities for customizing all types of Isah forms. In a future release of Isah, the IsahForms object will become unavailable.


Creates an empty form.


You can place various screen objects on this form. The form can be modified in various ways using the following properties and methods.

Properties, Procedures and Functions

Property Property Caption: String (R/W)

Property Property EditOffSet: Integer (R/W)

Property Property TabsVisible: Boolean (R/W)

Property Property XOffSet: Integer (R/W)

Property Property YOffSet: Integer (R/W)

Function Procedure AddTab( Name: String, Caption: String )

Function Procedure Center

Function Function GetValueByName( Name: String ): Variant

Function Procedure Hide

Function Procedure HideTab( Name: String )

Function Procedure SelectTab( Name: String )

Function Procedure SetBounds( Left: Integer, Top: Integer, Width: Integer, Height: Integer )

Function Procedure SetTabCaption( Name: String )

Function Procedure Show

Function Function ShowModal: Integer

Function Procedure ShowTab( Name: String )

Property Property StatusBarVisible: Boolean (R/W)

Function Procedure UserMessage( Message: String )

Function Procedure HintMessage( Message: String )


See CreateEditForm and CreateWizardForm.