Invoice recommendations show the products, costs, and services for which you can create an invoice. These invoice recommendations are created by:
Costs and services can result in an invoice recommendation in different ways:
If necessary, the sales price can still be modified on an invoice recommendation. The sales data on a final invoice can no longer be modified. You need to authorize invoice recommendations before you can invoice them.
Different types of sales invoices can be created from an invoice recommendation:
Authorizing invoice recommendations
Before you can create the final sales invoice, you need to authorize the invoice recommendations that can be invoiced. Before you print the invoice, the customer can indicate how it should be printed, for example by sales order, by debtor, or by shipping note.
Note: In addition to regular invoice recommendations, the Invoice recommendations form may also contain invoice recommendations that must be included in a final period. These invoice recommendations should not be authorized. They will be deleted automatically when the final invoice is created from the sales order. To display only regular invoice recommendations on the form, choose the 'Normal invoicing' preset instead of the 'Default selection' preset.