The default data you enter here are automatically used at locations in Isah where those data are required for this party. The field values can still be modified there.
This field enables you to specify a creditor that is different from the supplier. Usually, the supplier and the creditor are one and the same party. In some cases, the creditor may be different from the supplier, however. The supplier might, for example, be part of a procurement consortium, where the supplier receives the order and delivers the goods, and the procurement consortium sends the invoices and receives the payment (and is therefore the creditor).
The creditor entered here will be used on purchase orders sent to this supplier. You can still change the creditor on the purchase order. When you receive a purchase invoice for a purchase order, the creditor is filled in automatically on the purchase invoice once you register the purchase invoice. You can still change the creditor even at this stage.
Note: Your own company must exist under code '99999' in both the Customers module and the Suppliers module. If you want to enter your own company as a creditor for a supplier, enter '99999' in the Creditor field.
Select this check box to receive a purchase order confirmation for the purchase orders you send to this supplier. If, in general, you do not require a purchase order confirmation, leave this check box empty. The setting on the supplier card can be included on purchase orders you send to your supplier, so the supplier will know he should send you an order confirmation.
Tip: The Suppliertab of the Default values form allows you to specify a default value for this field that will apply to all suppliers. This value will be filled in automatically when a new supplier is added. You can modify the default value of the field at any time if you want to use another value for a particular supplier.
Use this field to set the purchase reminder interval. The number of days you enter in this field is used as the reminder period for the Purchase reminder report in the Purchase module. You can send a reminder before or after the receipt date set:
Conditions for creating a purchase reminder
To print or email the Purchase reminder report, the following conditions must be true:
Fill in the customer code the supplier uses to refer to your company as a customer. When communicating with this supplier, this field will tell you the code by which your company is known at the supplier's company.
You can use this informational field to enter additional information. The remark is an internal field and will not appear on documents.
Process settings
Use this field to specify how purchase orders should be created for this supplier. When creating purchase orders in the Purchase module, the setting in this field is used.
You can choose from the following options:
Purchase requirements for this supplier will not be combined onto a single purchase order; a separate purchase order will be created for each purchase requirement instead. |
Purchase requirements for this supplier are combined onto a single purchase order, provided that they are of the same type (part, equipment, or external operation), have the same currency, and are allowed to be combined (the Combine field on the purchase requirement is set to 'Yes'). |
Tip: The Suppliertab of the Default values form allows you to specify a default value for this field that will apply to all suppliers. This value will be filled in automatically when a new supplier is added. You can modify the default value of the field at any time if you want to use another value for a particular supplier.
Create shipping notes for external operations
Use this field to specify how shipping notes for external operations should be created for this supplier. When creating shipping notes in the Production module, the setting in this field is used.
You can choose from the following options:
Shipments for multiple purchase orders are not combined onto a single shipping note; a separate shipping note is created for each purchase order instead. |
Multiple purchase orders for external operations sent to this supplier are combined onto a single shipping note, provided that they have the same delivery address and the same carrier. |
Tip: The Suppliertab of the Default values form allows you to specify a default value for this field that will apply to all suppliers. This value will be filled in automatically when a new supplier is added. You can modify the default value of the field at any time if you want to use another value for a particular supplier.