Send external documents process
Use the Send documents process to send documents quickly and efficiently based on preconfigured settings. For example, once you have indicated that sales offers for a particular customer should be sent by email, entered the intended recipients of that email, and specified the attachments to be included, all you have to do is execute the process to actually send that email with the sales offer and the other documents.
Repeatedly composing email messages, entering recipients and looking up documents to be included is time-consuming and error-prone. If you choose to automate the communication of documents, you set the default communication method for individual customers or suppliers just once. Once you have done that, all you have to do is execute the Send documents process to create the email or printout. You can execute the process as a multiselect process. For example, if on the Sales offers form you select multiple sales offers and then start the process, all selected sales offers will be printed or sent based on the delivery method you defined.
The delivery details shown on the Send documents form depend on the form from which you open the process. For example, if you open the process from the Sales offers form, you will see all the sales offer delivery settings for the customer: the report to be sent, the status handling after the documents have been sent, the email data if 'Email' was set as the output, and the attachments to be added. If you do not want to use the default delivery method, you can change the values entered before you execute the process.
Should any deliveries fail, a message will be displayed after the process has executed. Click the Check button in the message dialog to open the log form and view both sent and unsent documents.
Sending draft emails
To check an email before sending it, you can save the email, including attachments, as a draft in your email application, and send the email later. You may want to do so if you want to test new email settings or if the email has to be approved first. If you select the Draft check box, the email and its attachments are saved in the Drafts folder of your email application. In Isah, the email is then considered as having been sent, and it is displayed on the Documents sent form. If the Draft check box is selected, it means that the email is a draft version. You will have to send the email to the intended recipients yourself from your email application.
If you run the process for multiple lines at the same time (Multiselect), the setting of the 'Draft' check box will apply to all lines.
Sending mail in the name of a department or in another person's name
Provided you have the appropriate rights, you can send documents in another person's name. For example, if your company always sends offers in the name of the Sales department, you can configure the Send documents option accordingly. Before sending the document, specify the alternative address as the sender to send the email from that sender's email account.
You need to configure your email program to be able to send mail in another person's name. In Outlook, for instance, you can create an additional local email address to be used as an alternative sender. Any emails sent will be placed in the Sent box of the additional account. It is also possible to configure these settings on the mail server, which is easier to manage and allows multiple people to share an alternative email address, for example the email address of a department. The mail server will check whether you have rights to send the email you are trying to send in the name of that other person or department. Any emails you send will be placed in the Sent box of your own account.
Location and name of saved report
When you execute the Send documents process, a PDF is generated from the report and saved in a predefined folder. The saved report is named automatically.
The main folder where the documents are saved is set on the Basic data form. Also subfolders may have been defined on the Document types form. For example, the 'Sales offers' folder may have been specified as the storage location for sales offers. You can create different levels in the folder structure by inserting the separator '\' between folders. For example, if you enter "Sales\Offers" for a document type, the subfolder 'Sales' is created in the main folder, and the folder 'Offers' is created inside it.
The report file name consists of the following elements:
[Report type]_[Entity code]_[Date and time]. For a sales offer report, this would look something like this: Offer_OF0035_20140521_11-05.
For 'Report type', the default language is used. If the default language is English, the file name in the example would be 'Offer_OF0035_20140521_11-05'.
Creating a print preview
You can display a print preview of the report before you send the documents. This enables you to check the report before it is sent. You can find the print preview option in the Reports menu.