Enter the extension of the document type without a preceding period. For example, type 'xls' for Excel documents, or 'msg' for email.
Note: If you are using the Isah Outlook Add-In, a document type with the extension 'msg' must be present.
By linking a document action to a particular document type, actions can be executed based on the script created for documents of this type. Scripts can be used to execute actions like creating a new document, or viewing and changing an existing document. See also Document actions.
When you execute the Send documents process, a PDF is generated from the report and saved in a predefined folder. The saved report is named automatically.
The main folder where the documents are saved is set on the Basic data form. Also subfolders may have been defined on the Document types form. For example, the 'Sales offers' folder may have been specified as the storage location for sales offers. You can create different levels in the folder structure by inserting the separator '\' between folders. For example, if you enter "Sales\Offers" for a document type, the subfolder 'Sales' is created in the main folder, and the folder 'Offers' is created inside it.
The report file name consists of the following elements:
[Report type]_[Entity code]_[Date and time]. For a sales offer report, this would look something like this: Offer_OF0035_20140521_11-05.
For 'Report type', the default language is used. If the default language is English, the file name in the example would be 'Offer_OF0035_20140521_11-05'.
This is the language used at your company. This language code is used by default for displaying standard texts, and is used only if no relevant language code is found elsewhere in Isah.
You can always change this field, even if Isah is already used in your company.
If you retrieve the standard texts file in a memo field of the Customers form, Isah only shows the texts written in the language used by the customer (set in the Language field on the General tab).
If no language has been entered for the customer, Isah displays the texts written in the language set as the base language on the Basic data form.
When retrieving texts in the memo pad, you can still view texts with a different language code than the code chosen based on this search path.