Displaying calculation with or without phantoms

If the calculation of a semi-finished product has been copied, you can choose to display the part line with the semi-finished product as the designator of the structure in the calculation; this part line is called a phantom. You can also hide the part line, so that all components of the semi-finished product are included in the calculation of the (finished) product. Use the Show phantom option to show or hide phantom lines.


A furniture manufacturer produces various types of tables. For each of these tables a set of fastening materials is required to attach the four legs to the tabletop. The set consists of 4 bolts, 4 nuts, and 8 locking rings. On the Parts form, enter this set of fastening materials as a semi-finished product with order code 'Copy calculation (phantom)', to make it easier to add the set to the calculation of the tables.

The part calculations are:


Fastening set

If the calculation of a table is included in a production file, use the Show phantom option to show or hide the phantom in the calculation:

Copied calculation with 'Show phantom' selected

Copied calculation with 'Show phantom' not selected

  • Leg x 4
  • Tabletop
  • Fastening set (phantom line)
  • Bolt x 4 (refers to phantom)
  • Nut x 4 (refers to phantom)
  • Locking ring x 8 (refers to phantom)
  • Leg x 4
  • Tabletop
  • Bolt x 4
  • Nut x 4
  • Locking ring x 8

Phantoms in engineering

Phantoms can also be used in engineering when a product is designed with 3D engineering layers, but actually produced from a basic material that undergoes various operations. Define the different production phases of the product as phantom semi-finished products on the Parts form, in order to be able to show the product structure created by the operations.


Part calculation

Production calculation with 'Show phantom' not selected




  • Frame (phantom)
  • Profile


  • ...
  • ...



  • Sawing


  • Frame component on the left (phantom)
  • Welding

sawn profiles

  • Frame component on the right (phantom)
  • Assembly of

welded frame parts

Frame component on the left



  • Profile



Frame component on the right



  • Profile