Use this field to enter an engineering group for the part. Engineering groups are used to organize parts into groups that are useful from an engineering point of view. The engineering group can be used by Isah-PDM (formerly Cadalink) to build the Explorer tree.
This is the employee responsible for the management of the part.
This field shows how you want the supplier to deliver the part, for example 'Blasted' or 'Painted'. If you add the part to the calculation of a production part, this conservation code will automatically be copied to the calculation. The field value can still be modified here.
Use Warning/date if a part may not be used before or after a particular date. The fields have an informational purpose.
You can choose from the following options:
No check has to be performed. |
The part may no longer be used after the date you enter in the Warning date field, for example because it will be removed from the product range. |
The part cannot be used before the date you enter in the Warning date field, for example because it will not be introduced on the market before that date. |
Note: Do not use Warning/date to specify the earliest date of use or the latest shelf-life date (for perishable goods, for instance). This warning applies to the part in general, and not just to a particular batch of the part. You can specify an earliest date of use and a latest shelf-life date for a particular batch of the part in the lot number details in the stock registration component.
This is the default waste percentage to be taken into account for this part. If the part is added to the calculation of a production part, this waste percentage is displayed. The field value can still be modified here.
Example Waste percentage
You need 10 kg of a part as raw material. Experience has shown that you need an additional 20% to eventually be left with a net weight of 10 kg. Your gross requirement will be:
10 kg + 20% of 10 kg = 12 kg
Based on the gross requirement, the waste percentage can be calculated as follows: You are processing 12 kg of a part that results in 20% of waste. Your net quantity will be:
12 kg - 20% of 12 kg = 9.6 kg
The reason why Isah uses the net requirement, is that this is the most practical working method. You will regard the waste percentage as an additional requirement. If you are used to thinking in terms of gross requirements, the waste percentage to be entered in Isah can be calculated. The waste percentage will then be multiplied by 100/(100 - Waste percentage).
If, for example, the waste percentage is calculated as 20% of the gross requirement, fill in the following waste percentage in Isah:
20 * (100/(100-20)) = 20 * 1.25 = 25%.
If no safety time is taken into account, parts are ordered with a planned receipt date that is equal to the date on which they are required for the production process (required date). If a delay occurs, the parts will be too late for the production process. The safety time moves the required date (and therefore also the receipt date) forward, creating a buffer between the receipt date and the schedule date, which reduces the chance of the parts not being available on time.
Auto-create production file for sales file?
This field is relevant for parts that your company produces (production parts). A part can be added to the sales line of a sales offer or a sales order. If the part is to be produced by your own company, a production file should be created for the part. Use the Auto-create production file for sales offer/order? fieldto specify what to do in this situation:
You can choose from the following options:
If you choose 'Yes', a production file is automatically created for this part whenever you add the part to the sales line of a sales order, AND at least some of the parts sold on this sales line have a 'Production' origin. The production file created is displayed on the Production origin tab of the sales line. |
If you choose 'No', a production file will never be created automatically for the part. You will have to manually add a production file for the part using |
If you select this option, you will be asked whether you want to create a production file whenever you add the part to the sales line of a sales offer or sales order, AND at least some of the parts sold on this sales line have a 'Production' origin. In the dialog box, choose one of the following options:
Calculation unit, Calculation quantity
Use the Calculation unit field to specify the unit the price applies to. You can choose from the following options:
This is the stock unit that has been set on the General tab of the Parts form. |
Kilograms |
Square meters |
This is the purchase unit set on the Purchase tab of the Parts form. This option is only available for the calculation unit for the purchase price. |
This is the sales unit set on the Sales tab of the Parts form. This option is only available for the calculation unit for the sales price. |
Once you have made your choice, the calculation unit is displayed in the field to the right of the Calculation quantity.
In the Calculation quantity field, specify the number of calculation units to which the price applies. To specify a price per 100 kg, for example, choose 'Weight' in the Calculation unit field, and then enter '100' in the Calculation quantity field.
This field contains the 'base' cost price that must be used if the part is included in the calculation of a production part. If you specify a surcharge or discount in the Surcharge/discount field, it will be included in the price. Isah will then use the calculated calculation price (including any surcharge or discount) as the calculation price for this part.
You can still change the price in the calculation.
Note: This field is found both on the Calculation/production tab and on the Prices tab. A change on one tab is automatically applied to the other tab.
In this case, enter a surcharge or discount percentage. The surcharge or discount sum is calculated on the price entered.
The surcharge/discount is copied automatically to purchase requirements and purchase order lines for this part. The field value can still be modified here.
To specify a surcharge, enter a positive percentage. To specify a discount, enter a negative percentage.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified. This is the calculated calculation price (calculation price including any surcharge or discount). This price is used as the cost price if the part is included in the calculation of a production part.
The calculation quantity indicates the number of pieces to which the calculation specified for the part (using the Parts, Operations, Equipment, External operations, and Surcharges buttons) applies. For example, if a production part is always produced in a batch of 100, and you want to base the calculation on a quantity of 100, fill in '100'.
The calculation quantity is used when the calculation is copied to a production order. If the calculation in the Parts module is for 100 pieces, and the production order is for 50 pieces, the calculation will be divided by two (excluding setup and adjustment times).
Note: The calculation quantity can always be changed, even if a calculation has already been made. Please note, however, that the existing calculation will not be updated if you change the calculation quantity. A message to this effect will appear on your screen. After the calculation quantity has been changed, you need to manually change the underlying calculation, to ensure that it is based on the new calculation quantity.
If the calculation is for one part, enter '1'.
You may, for instance, always produce a particular part in batches of 100, in order to ensure optimum machine utilization. To base the default calculation on 100 pieces, enter '100'. Use the Parts, Operations, Equipment, External operations, and Surcharges buttons to specify a calculation based on a batch of 100 parts.
The calculation quantity does not have to match the batch size. A separate field is available for the batch size, in which you can enter a different value. For example, you can create a default calculation for 100 pieces (calculation quantity = 100), even though you always produce the part in batches of 500 (batch size = 500).
Another example is a part for which you only need a quarter of a sheet. If you want the calculation for the part to be based on 4 pieces, you can enter '1 sheet' for 'Parts required', and you do not have to work with quantities smaller than 1.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified. If this check box is selected, it means that a calculation is present for this part. The check box is selected automatically as soon as a calculation line is added. This check box does not show whether the calculation is actually complete; some of the calculation data may not be present yet.
For more information, see the Actual costing approval field on the Calculation/production tab of the Parts form.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified. If this check box is selected, the calculation is locked and cannot be changed. No lines can be added, deleted, or changed using the Parts, Operations, Equipment, External operations, and Surcharges buttons. If this check box is not selected, the calculation can be changed.
Locks can be set or removed with the Lock calculation option in the Edit menu.
The informational Actual costing approval check box shows the calculation status. Leave this check box empty if the calculation is not yet complete or is yet to be checked against the actual costs. This will tell all users that the calculation still needs to be checked and cannot be used on production orders.
Select the Actual costing approval check box once the part has been produced a number of times and the calculation result is similar to the actual costs. This will indicate that the calculation has been checked and can be used as a basis for production.
The Batch size field is relevant to parts that your company produces (production parts). This field contains the default quantity for new production orders, i.e. the number of parts you usually produce at the time the part is required. If a part is always produced in batches of 100, fill in '100' in this field. The batch size is always displayed in stock units.
If the batch size does not meet the requirement, the order quantity will be increased by the value specified in the Increment by field until the order quantity is sufficient to meet the requirement.
Note: When calculating the FVP and calculation prices, the batch size is used as the basis for determining the FVP and calculation price of semi-finished products.
Dimension display, Dimension input
You can choose the unit to be used when entering length, width and height values. For example, you could choose millimeters or centimeters. It is also possible to specify the display unit of the value entered. For example, you could have the value displayed in meters.
Use the Dimension input field to specify the unit to be used when entering dimensions. Use the Dimension display field to enter the unit used to display dimensions after they have been saved.
m |
mm |
With the above field values, dimensions will be entered in millimeters, and then converted into and displayed in meters.
You will see 'm' (meter) to the right of the Length, Width and Height fields in the Parts module. If the Edit mode is enabled for the Length, Width or Height field, to allow you to enter a different dimension, the unit will change to 'mm'. The new dimension will then be entered in millimeters. Once you have confirmed the change using and disable the Edit mode, the value entered will be converted into meters and the unit to the right of the field will change back to 'm'.
Note: The value entered can be converted only if you have specified how this conversion should be made. In the example above (conversion from millimeters into meters), the decimal point must be moved three positions to the left for the value to be converted correctly. You need to specify this conversion factor ('3') in the General Settings module (Settings folder, Basic data form, Settings tab, Dimensions conversion factor field).
Of course, you can also set both the dimension input field and the dimension display field to the same value, for example 'mm'. In that case, the conversion factor will be '0'.
Basic parts, such as pipes, sockets and sheets, form the basis of a structure. They are not drawn in the engineering stage. During synchronization, the dimensions of the part are copied from the item or part of which it is a component part. If the Basic part check box is selected, the part will therefore automatically get the dimensions of the part or the item of which it is a component part.
Typical characteristics of basic parts are:
Unit code |
Quantity * Length or Quantity * Length * Width or Quantity * Length * Width * Height |
Part type |
Order code |
In stock |
When this informational check box is selected, the part is marked. If the part is subsequently included in a part calculation, the Special BOM part check box is automatically selected on the relevant part calculation line. This also happens when the part calculation is copied to a production file.
You can use the check box as you wish, and you can change the name of the check box, if desired, using the label editor.
Parts that have this check box selected are never marked as 'Added in production' on the Engineering structure and Production structure forms.
If a calculation was copied (in case of a part with order code 'Copy calculation (phantom)'), you can choose to display both the semi-finished product and the components of the semi-finished product in the calculation. You can also choose to show only the components of the semi-finished product, and therefore only the calculation lines. If you select the Show phantom check box, the calculation will show the semi-finished product, the phantom, and the underlying calculation lines. If you leave this check box empty, you will see the calculation lines, but not the parent semi-finished product (the phantom).
The Show phantom option is available only for parts with order code 'Copy calculation (phantom)'.
Work preparation authorization
If you select this check box, this calculation line will be authorized automatically in the production modules. When the default calculation is copied to a production file, the authorization is also copied.
To have the line checked before it is approved in the production stage, leave this check box empty. The planner will have to authorize the line before it is advanced to the production stage.
Authorizations enable you to perform checks before data can be processed. To skip this check, use this field to authorize the part in advance. This means that the line will always pass the check.
Authorize production purchase requirement
If you select this check box, any purchase requirements for this part intended for internal production are authorized as soon as they are created.
Authorizations enable you to perform checks before data can be processed. To skip this check, use this field to authorize the part in advance. This means that the line will always pass the check.