Isah provides several ways to create reports:
Overview of FastReport reports
This section describes FastReport reports.
Printing texts, documents and memos
An item on which a FastReport report is based can have texts, documents and memos linked to it. For example, the sales order header may contain a text about your company's holiday closure. When you print a report, you can choose to print the linked texts, documents and memos as well. You might want to add the text about the holiday closure in the Sales order confirmation report, for instance. Only texts with the right text type will be printed. On the sales order confirmation in our example, a sales order header text will be printed only if the text type 'MSL10, External header for sales' is used.
The list below contains the default texts printed on reports. The text type assigned to a text determines whether or not the text is printed. It is also important, however, where the text with the relevant text type was entered.
Text type |
Description |
Text must be entered on |
R1000 Purchase |
R1002 Purchase |
R1007 Sales |
R1008 Sales |
R1010 Shipping note |
R1011 Order |
MPA00 |
External text - sales part |
Part |
V |
V |
MPA01 |
External text - purchasing part |
Part |
V |
V |
MPA02 |
External text - sales and purchasing part |
Part |
V |
V |
V |
V |
MPU00 |
External text - supplier |
Supplier |
V |
V |
MPU10 |
External header - purchasing |
Purchase order |
V |
V |
MPU11 |
External footer - purchasing |
Purchase order |
V |
V |
MPU20 |
External text - purchase part line |
Purchase order line |
V |
V |
MPU25 |
External text - purchase part line, receipt schedule |
Receipt schedule line |
V |
MPU30 |
External text - purchase equipment line |
Purchase line |
V |
MPU40 |
External text - purchase, external operation line |
Purchase line |
V |
MSL00 |
External text - customer |
Customer |
V |
V |
MSL10 |
External header - sales |
Sales offer/order |
V |
V |
MSL11 |
External footer - sales |
Sales offer/order |
V |
V |
MSL20 |
External text - sales line |
Sales line |
V |
V |
MSL30 |
External text - sales line shipping schedule |
Shipping schedule line |
V |
V |
MSL40 |
External header - shipping note |
Shipping note |
V |
MSL50 |
External text - shipping note line |
Shipping note line |
V |
MSL60 |
External header - sales invoice |
Sales invoice |
V |
MSL61 |
External footer - sales invoice |
Sales invoice |
V |
MSL70 |
External text - sales invoice line |
Sales invoice line |
V |
MSV00 |
External text - object |
MSV10 |
External text - service contract |
MSV20 |
External text - service contract version |
MZD00 |
External text - delivery condition |
Delivery condition |
V |
V |
MZP00 |
External text - payment condition |
Payment condition |
V |
V |
A distinction is made between internal and external reports. Reports intended for internal use, such as work orders, only support the printing of memos. Reports sent to customers, such as sales order confirmations, support the printing of texts, documents and memos.
Multilingual reports
You can print reports in any language. The languages supported by default are English, German and Dutch. For other languages, use the label editor to enter the translations for field names, so that the translated terms are displayed in the report. Multilingual texts, documents and memos are defined in the settings of the texts, documents and memos, rather than in the reports.
The Purchasing department will use the Purchase order report to place orders with suppliers. Depending on the purchase order type, a purchase order will be printed for parts, equipment, or external operations.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following conditions must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
Location of the report in Isah
Purchase module, Reports folder
A work order contains all information needed for executing a production operation. Work orders are created by planners and used by production employees.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following condition must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
Location of the report in Isah
Production modules, Work preparation folder, Reports folder
The Purchasing department uses requests for offers to request prices and delivery times from suppliers.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following condition must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
Location of the report in Isah
Purchase module, Reports folder
The sales file card gives the Internal Sales department information about the sales offer or order and their corresponding lines. The report is intended for internal communication. Use the sales order to create appointments and record any communications with the customer.
Note: The total sum is the sum of the printed lines. If you have made a selection by status type, the sum is not the full order sum.
Location of the report in Isah
Sales module, Reports folder
The Shipping or Warehouse department uses the Shipping picklist report to collect parts intended for shipment. As a shipping line may have multiple origins, and stock properties (such as warehouse and location) can be registered for each origin, every origin has its own line.
Any components to be included in the delivery mainly originate from the shipping note line, which in turn is based on the shipping schedule of the sales order. Components may, however, also originate from production. On the shipping note, such lines are displayed as underlying lines. On the picklist, they are displayed on the same level as the other lines. All components are supplementary to the lines containing parts intended for shipment.
Displaying stock locations
Stock locations of stock deliveries are displayed only if it is not clear from which warehouse or location the parts are to be picked.
Five pieces must be shipped, but the shipping schedule does not specify the warehouse the parts are to be picked from. Two pieces are available in warehouse A and three pieces are available in warehouse B. In this case, there is one shipping note line with two stock location lines. The report displays two lines.
Note: The stock is transferred as soon as the shipping note is created (in other operations in Isah, stock is not transferred until the processing phase). During processing, the shipping note is corrected if there is a discrepancy between the items to be shipped based on the shipping note and the items actually prepared for shipment.
Location of the report in Isah
Shipping module, Reports folder
The Warehouse department uses the Production picklist report to collect parts needed for production.
Location of the report in Isah
Production modules, Production folder, Reports folder
The Warehouse department uses the Stock count report to count the physical stock and to register the results on the Stock counts form in Isah.
Location of the report in Isah
Stock module, Reports folder
The Sales department uses the Sales offer report to make offers to customers.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following condition must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
Location of the report in Isah
Sales module, Reports folder
The Finances department uses the Sales invoice report to charge customers for parts and services already delivered or rendered or still to be delivered or rendered. The report can display various types of invoices: standard invoices, invoices for multiple orders, periodic invoices, final invoices, service invoices, and cost-plus invoices. For cost-plus specification lines, you can indicate for each line whether the line is to be printed by selecting the Print check box (Sales module, Lines button, Cost-plus specification button, General tab).
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following conditions must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
The fields are available in the Invoicing module, Sales invoices form.
Location of the report in Isah
Invoicing module, Reports folder
The Shipping note report contains information about the delivery of parts to customers. The Sales or Shipping department will include this report in the delivery.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following conditions must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
The fields are available in the Invoicing module, Sales invoices form.
Location of the report in Isah
Shipping module, Reports folder
R1011 Sales order confirmation
The Sales department uses the Sales order confirmation report to confirm the goods and services to be delivered to the customer.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following conditions must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
Location of the report in Isah
Sales module, Reports folder
The Purchasing department uses the Purchase reminder report to formally inform the supplier of non-deliveries or partial deliveries of orders.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following conditions must be true:
Location of the report in Isah
Purchase module, Reports folder
R1013 Shipping note for ext. operation
The Shipping or Warehouse department includes the Shipping note for external operation report when shipping materials that are to undergo an external operation.
Printing requirements
In order to print the report, the following condition must be true:
Result after printing
Once the report has been printed:
These fields can be found in the production modules, Transaction files folder, Shipping notes for external operations form.
Location of the report in Isah
Production modules, Reports folder, Production folder
Office assistants registering hours use the report to check hours, and managers use the report to check the hours registered.
Location of the report in Isah
Time Registration module, Reports folder
The Production sheet report shows the calculation of a production file. The planner uses the report to check whether the production calculation is correct and complete.
Location of the report in Isah
Production modules, Reports folder, Work preparation folder
R1028 Commitments transactions
The Commitments transactions report lists the transactions on the ledger account 'Commitments', sorted by purchase order. The report enables the Finances and Purchasing departments to substantiate the balance of the ledger account 'Commitments'.
The report is based on the non-summarized journal entries on the Journal entries form. You can find the ledger account in the General Settings module (Ledger settings folder, Safety net accounts form, Safety net accounts 2 tab).
Location of the report in Isah
Financial module, Reports folder, Journal entries folder
R1029 Invoices to receive transactions
The Invoices to receive transactions report lists the transactions on the ledger account 'Invoices to receive', sorted by purchase order (the detail lines are sorted by purchase order, posting date and journal entry category). The report enables the Finances and Purchasing departments to substantiate the balance of the ledger account 'Invoices to receive'.
The report is based on the non-summarized journal entries on the Journal entries form. You can find the ledger account in the General Settings module (Ledger settings folder, Safety net accounts form, Safety net accounts 2 tab).
Location of the report in Isah
Financial module, Reports folder, Journal entries folder
R1030 Goods to receive transactions
The Goods to receive transactions report lists the transactions on the ledger account 'Goods to receive', sorted by purchase order (the detail lines are sorted by purchase order, posting date and journal entry category). The report enables the Finances and Purchasing departments to substantiate the balance of the ledger account 'Goods to receive'.
The report is based on the non-summarized journal entries on the Journal entries form. You can find the ledger account in the General Settings module (Ledger settings folder, Safety net accounts form, Safety net accounts 2 tab).
Location of the report in Isah
Financial module, Reports folder, Journal entries folder
R1031 Customer labels
R1032 Supplier labels
R1033 Days off card
R1034 Hour bar codes
R1035 Employee bar codes
R1036 Historical stock valuation
R1037 VAT balance
R1038 Failures including bar code
R0139 Machine (group) bar codes
R1040 Job assignments
R0141 Saw and cut list
R1042 Customer messages
R1043 Supplier messages
R1044 Service message
R1045 Service contract
R1046 Part price info
R1047 Prices by customer
R1048 Prices by supplier
R1049 WIP by sales order
R1050 Provisional turnover specification
R1051 Sums to be completed by file
R1052 Provisional purchase invoices (FinJournal)
R1053 Part calculation
R0154 Production progress
R1055 Phase comparison by order
R1056 Hours entered
R1057 Operation in part calculation
R1058 Equipment in part calculation
R1059 External operation in part calculation
R1060 Surcharge in part calculation
R1061 Credit limit information
R1062 Equipment in production file
R1063 Operation in production file
R1064 External operation in production file
R1065 Surcharge in production file
R1066 Part purchases mismatch
R1067 Equipment purchases mismatch
R1068 External operation purchases mismatch
R1069 Invoiced
R1070 Part production sheet
R1071 PR totals by sales order
R1072 Price difference in stock receipts
R1073 Journal detail
R1074 Periodic invoices turnover
R1075 Totals by export number
R1076 Goods to receive
R1077 Ledger transactions
R1078 PR by sales order
R1079 Overview of service messages
R1080 Ledger totals - offer, order and production order
R1081 Hours by period
R1082 Creditor turnover
R1083 Purchase turnover statistics
All default Crystal Reports reports have been phased out from Isah version 4.7. For each obsolete report an alternative will be available providing similar or better functionality to retrieve information. These alternatives include FastReport reports, new or customized presets to print the contents of a List tab, and pivot tables. The list below shows the alternatives to the obsolete Crystal Reports reports:
Alternatives for obsolete reports
The overview below shows the obsolete Crystal Reports reports and the new methods for retrieving information in Isah. You can now display information by using form previews with existing, extended or added presets or new FastReport reports (FR).
Note: If you want to use new presets or reports to replace obsolete Crystal Reports reports, make sure you create rights to these presets and reports. Use the new program codes listed in the table below.
Obsolete report |
Form |
Alternative |
New program code |
R0001 Customers |
0001 Customers |
Debtors - extended |
New preset |
400010009 |
R0002 Customer/supplier groups |
0010 Customer/supplier groups |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400100002 |
R0003 Regions |
0007 Regions |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400070001 |
R0004 Lines of business |
0008 Lines of business |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400080001 |
R0005 Languages |
0006 Languages |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400060001 |
R0006 Countries |
0005 Countries |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400050002 |
R0007 Currencies |
0009 Currencies |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400092018 |
R0008 Delivery conditions |
0013 Delivery conditions |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400130004 |
R0009 Customer contacts |
0003 Customer contacts |
Customer contacts |
Existing preset |
400030001 |
R0010 Customer addresses |
0001 Customers |
Customer addresses |
New preset |
400010011 |
R0011 Payment conditions |
0012 Payment conditions |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400120004 |
R0012 Customers by sales employee |
0001 Customers |
Customers - extended |
New preset |
400010010 |
R0013 VAT codes |
0014 Financial VAT policies |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400140002 |
R0014 Suppliers |
0017 Suppliers |
Creditors - extended |
New preset |
4001700009 |
R0015 Supplier contacts |
0019 Supplier contacts |
Supplier contacts |
Existing preset |
400190001 |
R0016 Supplier addresses |
0017 Suppliers |
Supplier addresses |
New preset |
1400170010 |
R0017 Conservations |
0044 Conservations |
Conservation rates |
New preset |
400440001 |
R0018 Parts |
0040 Parts |
Sales parts |
New preset |
400400010 |
R0019 Customer labels |
R1031 Customer labels |
200103100 |
R0020 Supplier labels |
R1032 Supplier labels |
200103200 |
R0021 Supplier card |
0017 Suppliers |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400170015 |
R0022 Part in part calculation |
0931 Parts, where used |
Default selection |
Preset extended |
409310001 |
R0023 Operation in part calculation |
R1057 Operation in part calculation |
200105700 |
R0024 Equipment in part calculation |
R1058 Equipment in part calculation |
200105800 |
R0025 External operation in part calculation |
R1059 External operation in part calculation |
200105900 |
R0026 Surcharge in part calculation |
R1060 Surcharge in part calculation |
200106000 |
R0027 Processed hours |
0205 Processed hours |
Processed hours - extended |
New preset |
402050002 |
R0028 Employees |
0004 Employees |
Employee data - extended |
New preset |
400040004 |
R0029 Function groups |
0023 Function groups |
Function group rates |
New preset |
400230001 |
R0030 Employee statistics |
0004 Employees |
Employee data - extended |
New preset
400040004 |
R0031 Employee birthdays |
0004 Employees |
Employee data - extended |
New preset |
400040004 |
R0032 Credit limit information |
R1061 Credit limit information |
200106100 |
R0033 Stock by location |
0051 Stock |
Default selection |
Preset extended |
400510007 |
R0034 Part (main) groups |
0041 Part groups |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400410004 |
R0035 External operations |
0062 External operations |
External operation prices |
New preset |
400620001 |
R0036 Quality standards |
0037 Quality standards |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400370001 |
R0037 Equipment |
0058 Equipment |
Equipment - financial |
New preset |
400580002 |
R0038 Part groups - financial |
0041 Part groups |
Part groups - financial |
New preset |
400410001 |
R0039 Sales types - financial |
0035 Sales types |
Sales types - financial |
New preset |
400350001 |
R0040 Capacity groups |
0039 Capacity groups |
Capacity groups - extended |
New preset
400390001 |
R0041 Drawings |
0045 Drawings |
Default selection |
Preset extended |
400450001 |
R0042 Surcharges |
0060 Surcharges |
Surcharges |
New preset |
400600001 |
R0043 Warehouses |
0048 Warehouse locations |
Warehouse locations |
New preset |
400480001 |
R0044 Historical stock valuation |
R1036 Historical stock valuation |
200103600 |
R0045 Hours by department/capacity group |
0205 Processed hours |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
402050003 |
R0046 Sales types |
0035 Sales types |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400350004 |
R0047 Scoring chances |
0038 Scoring chances |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400380001 |
R0048 Sales statuses |
0036 Sales statuses |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400360002 |
R0049 Sales offer |
R1007 Sales offer |
200100700 |
R0050 Sales offer card |
R1003 Sales file card |
200100300 |
R0051 Drawing statuses |
0457 Drawing statuses |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
404570001 |
R0052 Order hours by person |
0205 Processed hours |
Processed hours - extended |
New preset |
402050002 |
R0054 Sales lines by status |
1268 Sales overview |
All sales lines |
New form |
12680000 (form) 41260007 (preset) |
R0055 Production files by status |
0092 Production files |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400920040 |
R0057 Current sales offers |
1268 Sales overview |
Current sales offers |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680002 (preset) |
R0058 Current sales orders |
1268 Sales overview |
Current sales orders |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680003 (preset) |
R0059 Sales order card |
R1003 Sales file card |
200100300 |
R0060 Order intake |
1268 Sales overview |
Order intake |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680011 (preset) |
R0061 Hour bar codes |
R1034 Hour bar codes |
200103400 |
R0062 Reports |
0020 Reports |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400200002 |
R0063 Scripts |
0056 Scripts |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400560001 |
R0064 Job assignments |
R1040 Job assignments |
200104000 |
R0066 Sales invoice |
R1008 Sales invoice |
200100800 |
R0067 To ship |
0126 Shipping schedule |
To ship - extended |
New preset |
401260004 |
R0068 Shipped |
0151 Shipping notes |
From sales order (Go to) Choose 0070 Sales orders, Go to menu, Shipping notes |
Existing preset
401510001 |
R0069 Hours by order |
0974 Actual total |
Default selection |
Preset extended |
409740001 |
R0070 Hours to work |
0095 Production calculation for operations |
All by sales order |
Existing preset |
400950002 |
R0071 Hours entered check |
0985 Preview processed hours Choose process '0414 Process hour lines' while 'Preview processed hours' is selected. |
9850000 |
R0072 Parts turnover Top 5 |
0405 Turnover data |
Turnover info - extended |
Existing preset |
404050007 |
R0073 Shipping note |
R1010 Shipping note |
200101000 |
R0076 Invoice recommendations |
0224 Invoice recommendations |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
402240009 |
R0077 Invoiced |
R1069 Invoiced |
200106900 |
R0078 Purchase requirement for external operations |
0145 Purchase requirement for external operations |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
401450005 |
R0079 Purchase requirement for equipment |
0146 Purchase requirement for equipment |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
401460005 |
R0080 Purchase requirement for parts |
0131 Purchase requirement for parts |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
401310011 |
R0083 Sales order confirmation |
R1011 Sales order confirmation |
200101100 |
R0084 Parts purchase order |
R1000 Purchase order |
200100000 |
R0085 Equipment purchase order |
R1000 Purchase order |
200100000 |
R0086 External operations purchase order |
R1000 Purchase order |
200100000 |
R0087 Current external operations purchases |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended
R0088 Current equipment purchases |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087 |
R0089 Current part purchases |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087 |
R0091 Planned purchases |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087 |
R0092 Purchase reminder |
R1012 Purchase reminder |
200101200 |
R0094 Parts to receive |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087 |
R0095 Order turnover planning |
1268 Sales overview |
Sales order turnover planning |
New form |
R0096 Actions by week |
0769 Actions |
All presets |
Presets extended |
R0097 Account schedule |
0016 Ledger accounts |
Default selection |
Preset extended
400160003 |
R0098 Cost centers |
0031 Cost centers |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400310001 |
R0099 Service message |
R1044 Service message |
200104400 |
R0100 Contributions |
0064 Contributions |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400640001 |
R0101 Administration contributions |
0067 Administration contributions |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400670001 |
R0102 Sales type contributions |
0066 Sales type contributions |
Default selection |
Existing preset
400660001 |
R0103 Part group contributions |
0068 Part group contributions |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400680001 |
R0105 Hour total |
R1081 Hours by period |
200108100 |
R0106 Equipment to receive |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087. |
R0107 Work order |
R1001 Work order |
200100100 |
R0108 Part calculation |
R1053 Part calculation |
200105300 |
R0109 Failures including bar code |
R1038 Failures including bar code |
200103800 |
R0111 Actions/action groups |
0107 Action types |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
401070001 |
R0112 Skills |
0113 Skills |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
401130002 |
R0113 Relationship Management types |
0212 Relationship Management types |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
402120001 |
R0118 Employee bar codes |
R1035 Employee bar codes |
200103500 |
R0119 Days off card |
R1033 Days off card |
200103300 |
R0122 Stock valuation |
0040 Parts |
Stock valuation |
New preset |
400400011 |
R0123 Customer messages |
R1042 Customer messages |
200104200 |
R0124 Supplier messages |
R1043 Supplier messages |
200104200 |
R0129 Equipment in production file |
R1062 Equipment in production file |
200106200 |
R0130 Part in production file |
0931 Parts, where used |
Default selection |
Preset extended |
409310001 |
R0131 Operation in production file |
R1063 Operation in production file |
200106300 |
R0132 External operation in production file |
R1064 External operation in production file |
200106400 |
R0133 Surcharge in production file |
R1065 Surcharge in production file |
200106500 |
R0134 Offer request for parts |
R1002 Purchase offer |
200100200 |
R0137 Shipping note for external operation |
R1013 Shipping note for external operations |
200101300 |
R0138 Stock levels |
0743 Planned part transactions |
Default selection, accessible with CTRL+M |
Existing preset |
407430001 |
R0139 Customer turnover Top N |
0405 Turnover data |
Turnover info - extended |
Existing preset |
404050007 |
R0140 Parts turnover |
0405 Turnover data |
Turnover info - extended |
Existing preset |
404050007 |
R0141 Customer turnover |
0405 Turnover data |
Turnover info - extended |
Existing preset |
404050007 |
R0142 Part production sheet |
1070 Part production sheet |
200107000 |
R0143 Preliminary costing |
R1078 PR by sales order |
200107800 |
R0144 Work order including bar code |
R1001 Work order |
200100100 |
R0145 Capacity group load |
1147 Capacity overview |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
411470006 |
R0146 Customer card |
0001 Customers |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400010015 |
R0147 Work preparation production sheet |
R1017 Production sheet |
200101700 |
R0148 Saw and cut list |
R0141 Saw and cut list |
200104100 |
R0149 PR totals by sales order |
R1071 PR totals by sales order |
200107100 |
R0150 Work in progress |
R1049 WIP by sales order |
200104900 |
R0151 Actual costing |
1012 Financial analysis |
All presets (preset depends on the form from which form 1012 is opened using Go to) |
Existing presets |
R0152 Calculation comparison |
0979 PR/AC analysis |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
409790010 |
R0153 AC totals by sales order |
0979 PR/AC analysis |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
409790010 |
R0154 Order analysis |
0630 Order analysis lines |
Default selection |
Preset extended |
406300004 |
R0155 Stock turnover |
0743 Planned part transactions |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
403390011 |
R0156 Machine (group) bar codes |
R0139 Machine (group) bar codes |
200103900 |
R0158 Production progress |
R0154 Production progress |
200105400 |
R0159 Order load |
1147 Capacity overview |
From sales file (Go to) From production file (Go to) |
New presets |
411470005 (sales file) 411470006 (production file) |
R0160 Stock count list |
R1006 Stock count |
200100600 |
R0161 Outstanding production orders |
0092 Production file |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400920040 |
R0162 Stock count list for all parts |
R1006 Stock count |
200100600 |
R0163 Overdue purchase orders |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087. |
R0165 Employee card |
0004 Employees |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400040010 |
R0166 Price difference in stock receipts |
R1072 Price difference in stock receipts |
200107200 |
R0167 Commitments |
R1028 Commitments transactions |
200102800 |
R0168 External operations to receive |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087. |
R0169 Purchase invoices to receive |
1213 Purchase list |
Purchase lines - financial |
New preset or R1029 Invoices to receive transactions |
R0170 Provisional purchase invoices |
0211 Purchase invoices |
Purchase invoices - extended |
New preset
402110007 |
R0171 Purchase invoices |
0211 Purchase invoices |
Purchase invoices - extended |
New preset |
402110007 |
R0175 Journal detail |
R1073 Journal detail |
200107300 |
R0177 Part purchases mismatch |
R1066 Part purchases mismatch |
200106600 |
R0178 Equipment purchases mismatch |
R1067 Equipment purchases mismatch |
200106700 |
R0179 External operation purchases mismatch |
R1068 External operation purchases mismatch |
200106800 |
R0180 Sales order balance |
0519 Sales order balance |
Default selection |
Existing form |
5190000 |
R0181 Production order balance |
0092 Production file |
Destinations tab |
920010 |
R0182 Production receipts |
0483 Production receipts (AC revenues of a production file) |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
404830001 |
R0184 Offer turnover planning |
1268 Sales overview |
Sales offer turnover planning |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680008 (preset) |
R0185 Shipping picklist |
R1004 Shipping picklist |
200100400 |
R0186 Production statuses |
0137 Production statuses |
Default selection |
Preset extended
401370003 |
R0187 Operation statuses |
0150 Operation statuses |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
401500001 |
R0188 Offer intake |
1268 Sales overview |
Offer intake |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680010 (preset) |
R0193 Periodic invoices turnover |
R1074 Periodic invoices turnover |
200107400 |
R0194 Phase comparison by order |
R1055 Phase comparison by order |
200105500 |
R0196 Production requirement |
0092 Production files |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
400920040 |
R0197 Processed hours shortage |
R1016 Hours by hour type |
200101600 |
R0198 Employees by |
0233 Employee selections (button on Employees form) 0180 Employee skills (button on Employees form) |
Default selection
Default selection |
Existing presets |
401800002 |
R0199 Processed hours by day |
0004 Employees |
Employee data - extended |
New preset |
400040004 |
R0200 Purchase statuses |
0597 Purchase statuses |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
405970006 |
R0204 Totals by export number |
R1075 Totals by export number |
200107500 |
R0206 Goods to receive |
R1076 Goods to receive |
200107600 |
R0207 Service invoice |
R1008 Sales invoice |
200100800 |
R0208 VAT balance |
R1037 VAT balance |
200103700 |
R0209 Safety net/financial |
0102 Safety net accounts |
All tabs |
R0210 Customer/supplier groups - financial |
0010 Customer and supplier groups |
Customer and supplier groups - financial |
New preset
400100001 |
R0211 PMCs/financial |
0072 Product/market combinations (PMCs) |
PMCs - financial |
New preset |
400720001 |
R0212 Hour codes |
0030 Hour codes |
Hour codes - extended |
New preset |
400300001 |
R0213 Departments |
0053 Departments |
Departments - extended |
New preset |
400530001 |
R0214 Commitments transaction (FinJournal) |
R1028 Commitments transactions |
200102800 |
R0215 ITR transaction (FinJournal) |
R1029 Invoices to receive transactions |
200102900 |
R0216 Goods to receive transactions (FinJournal) |
R1030 Goods to receive transactions |
200103000 |
R0217 Ledger transactions |
R1077 Ledger transactions |
200107700 |
R0218 Work in progress - financial |
R1049 WIP by sales order |
200104900 |
R0220 Preventive maintenance by district |
0500 Service messages |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
405000004 |
R0221 WIP by sales order |
R1049 WIP by sales order |
200104900 |
R0224 Preventive maintenance by district |
0500 Service messages |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
405000004 |
R0225 Objects by customer |
0460 Customers by object. Choose '0442 Objects' form, Go to menu, Customers |
Existing preset |
404600001 |
R0226 Journal entry categories |
0281 Journal entry categories |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
402810001 |
R0227 Service contract |
R1045 Service contract |
200104500 |
R0229 PR by sales order |
R1078 PR by sales order |
200107800 |
R0230 Overview of service messages |
R1079 Overview of service messages |
200107900 |
R0232 Provisional turnover specification |
R1050 Provisional turnover specification |
200105000 |
R0233 Ledger totals - offer, order and production order |
R1080 Ledger totals - offer, order and production order |
200108000 |
R0234 Sums to be completed by file |
R1051 Sums to be completed by file |
200105100 |
R0235 Provisional purchase invoices (FinJournal) |
R1052 Provisional purchase invoices (FinJournal) |
200105200 |
R0236 Stock inventory |
R1006 Stock count |
200100600 |
R0327 Hours entered |
R1056 Hours entered |
200105600 |
R0238 Hours by hour type |
R1016 Hours by hour type |
200101600 |
R0239 Invoiced |
R1069 Invoiced |
200106900 |
R0240 Order intake |
1268 Sales overview |
Order intake |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680011 (preset) |
R0241 Production picklist |
R1005 Production picklist |
200100500 |
R0242 Part price info |
R1046 Part price info |
200104600 |
R0243 Liquidity forecast |
1043 Liquidity forecast |
Default selection |
Existing preset |
410430001 |
R0244 Hour analysis by sales order/offer |
0205 Processed hours |
Processed hours - extended |
Preset extended |
402050002 |
R0245 Hours by period |
R1081 Hours by period |
200108100 |
R0246 Creditor turnover |
R1082 Creditor turnover |
200108200 |
R0247 Purchase turnover statistics |
R1083 Purchase turnover statistics |
200108300 |
R0248 Current purchase orders |
1213 Purchase list |
All presets extended |
Preset extended |
See R0087. |
R0249 Price info for purchase requirements |
0131 Purchase requirement for parts |
Purchase requirement prices |
New preset
401310006 |
0145 Purchase requirement for external operations |
Purchase requirement prices |
New preset |
401450001 |
0146 Purchase requirement for equipment |
Purchase requirement prices |
New preset |
401460001 |
R0250 Quantity info for purchase requirements |
0131 Purchase requirement for parts |
Purchase requirement prices |
New preset |
401310006 |
0145 Purchase requirement for external operations |
Purchase requirement prices |
New preset |
401450001 |
0146 Purchase requirement for equipment |
Purchase requirement prices |
New preset |
401460001 |
R0251 Prices by customer |
R1047 Prices by customer |
200104700 |
R0252 Prices by supplier |
R1048 Prices by supplier |
200104800 |
R0253 Project overview - planning |
1000 Projects |
All projects |
Existing preset |
410000002 |
R0254 Project overview/financial |
1000 Projects |
All projects |
Existing preset |
410000002 |
R0255 Project details - planning |
1247 Project lines - planning |
All project lines |
Existing preset |
412470002 |
R0256 Project details/financial |
1248 Project lines - financial |
All |
Existing preset |
412480001 |
R0257 PR/AC analysis for sales order |
1012 Financial analysis |
All presets (preset depends on the form from which form 1012 is opened using Go to) |
Existing presets |
R0258 Sales order turnover planning |
1268 Sales overview |
Sales order turnover planning |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680009 (preset) |
R0259 Sales offer turnover planning |
1268 Sales overview |
Sales offer turnover planning |
New form |
12680000 (form) 412680008 (preset) |