This field shows how the purchase requirement has been created:
The purchase requirement was added using |
The purchase requirement is the result of an MRP process. |
The purchase requirement is the result of the Create purchase requirements for parts to order process. |
The purchase requirement was generated using the 'Order point method'. |
The purchase requirement was generated using the 'Time-phased order point method'. |
This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
This field contains a general indication of the location in Isah where the price data filled in on the General tab (such as 'Part') have been found. The Specification field shows more information on this origin. This could be the contract code used on the purchase line.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
Below you will find a brief explanation of the different origins. Refer to Search path for sales prices for more information.
Price origin |
The data have been retrieved from: |
The purchase contract for the part entered on the purchase line. |
The purchase contract for the part group entered on the purchase line. |
The custom price of the part, as specified in the production modules (production file, Parts button). |
The scale prices for the part, as specified for this supplier. |
The base prices for the part, as specified for this supplier. |
The price list for this part, as specified for the supplier. |
The price list for the part group, as specified for the supplier. |
The price list specified for the supplier, containing a general discount. |
The price list for this part, as specified for the supplier group. |
The price list for the part group, as specified for the supplier group. |
The price list specified for the supplier group, containing a general discount. |
The price list for this part, as specified in the General Settings module (Settings, Basic data). |
The price list for the part group, as specified in the General Settings module (Settings, Basic data). |
The price list containing a general discount, as specified in the General Settings module (Settings, Basic data). |
The scale prices for the part, as specified for supplier '0'. |
The base prices for the part, as specified for supplier '0'. |
The price data for the part, as specified on the Purchase tab. |
This field is related to the Price origin field. It provides additional information about the price data on the General tab, such as the contract code used on the purchase line. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
In the Specification field, the following codes are used:
Specification |
The data have been retrieved from: |
C |
A purchase contract |
The scale prices for the part, as specified for this supplier. |
The base prices for the part, as specified for this supplier. |
The custom price of the part, as specified in the production modules (production file, Parts button). |
The discount scale of a price list specified for the supplier, for the supplier group, or in the General Settings module. |
PL |
A price list containing a general discount, as specified for the supplier, for the supplier group, or in the General Settings module. |
The scale prices for the part, as specified for supplier '0'. |
The base prices for the part, as specified for supplier '0'. |
P |
The price data for the part, as specified on the Purchase tab. |
Note: The PL and PLQBD codes indicate that a general discount percentage has been found that has been entered on the purchase line. Next to this code is another code, which could be 'PQBP', 'PBP' or 'P'. This additional code indicates the origin of the sum used as the purchase price on the purchase line. A discount by itself is not enough, as you also need to select the sum on which the discount must be calculated.
The codes in the Specification field are followed by a further indication of the price data used. For example, next to the 'C' (Purchase contract) you will see the contract code used for determining the price.
C: IK00031 |
Purchase contract IK00031 |
PL: CI, 3; P: ENGINE |
Price list 'CI', line 3 (discount), and the purchase price specified for the part 'ENGINE' in the Parts module. |
VPQBP: 4 |
The fourth line in the pricing scale specified for this supplier in the Parts module (Purchase tab, Suppliers button). |
This field shows the user code of the user who created the line. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
If multiple users have created a purchase requirement for a particular part, equipment, or external operation (for example, because more than one employee had a purchase requirement calculated), the First user field shows the first user who created the purchase requirement.
This field is filled only if more than one purchase requirement line was created for the same part, equipment, or external operation.