Execute the Run MRP (Materials Requirement Planning) process to calculate the stock transactions of parts in order to determine whether the part stock will fall below the minimum stock level, resulting in a requirement. This process takes into account any planned receipts and issues, including sales forecasts. When calculating the stock transactions, the MRP process takes into account:

The Run MRP process consists of various steps. For a description of the process, see Processes in Isah, Stock, MRP.

Important fields

The following fields are used to control the MRP operations listed above:

Also the following dates are relevant:

Blocked stock

Blocked stock can be included in the MRP calculation. You may want to do so for stock that needs to be inspected first. To do so, you need to specify that the stock line must be available for the order point method and MRP, both on the Warehouse locations form and on the Stock statuses form.

Interchangeable stock of part revisions

If you are using revision management and the stock of part revisions is set to be interchangeable, all revisions of a part will be added up in order to determine the stock level. If the stock levels of all revisions are collectively lower than the minimum stock level, a purchase requirement is created for the last released revision of the part, and also an internal production file may be created. If the setting is not enabled, only the stock for the last released revision is calculated, and - if required - a purchase requirement and/or an internal production order will be created.


Planning horizon

Calculate to

Part levels to calculate