Execute the Run MRP (Materials Requirement Planning) process to calculate the stock transactions of parts in order to determine whether the part stock will fall below the minimum stock level, resulting in a requirement. This process takes into account any planned receipts and issues, including sales forecasts. When calculating the stock transactions, the MRP process takes into account:
Any parts in production files with a 'Stock' origin
Any sales forecasts for parts with a 'Stock' origin
Planned receipts on purchase order lines with a 'Stock' destination
Planned receipts on production orders with a 'Stock' destination
The Run MRP process consists of various steps. For a description of the process, see Processes in Isah, Stock, MRP.
Important fields
The following fields are used to control the MRP operations listed above:
Minimum stock: When the stock falls below this minimum level, there will be a requirement. This field is located on the Logistics tab of the Parts form.
Batch size: When a production file must be created for a production part, the batch size will determine the quantity to be created in the production file. This field is located on the Calculation/production tab of the Parts form.
Also the following dates are relevant:
The shipping date listed on the shipping schedule of a sales line: a requirement is created on this date, as this is the date on which the goods must be shipped.
The 'Date required' specified on the part line of the production order: a requirement is created on this date, as this is the date on which the parts must be issued.
The date of the part forecast: a requirement is created on this date, as this is the date on which parts are expected to have to be in stock.
The end date of production orders intended for stock: this is the date on which stock parts are ready for replenishing the stock.
The planned receipt date of purchase lines for parts: this is the date on which stock parts are delivered to replenish the stock.
Blocked stock can be included in the MRP calculation. You may want to do so for stock that needs to be inspected first. To do so, you need to specify that the stock line must be available for the order point method and MRP, both on the Warehouse locations form and on the Stock statusesform.
Interchangeable stock of part revisions
If you are using revision management and the stock of part revisions is set to be interchangeable, all revisions of a part will be added up in order to determine the stock level. If the stock levels of all revisions are collectively lower than the minimum stock level, a purchase requirement is created for the last released revision of the part, and also an internal production file may be created. If the setting is not enabled, only the stock for the last released revision is calculated, and - if required - a purchase requirement and/or an internal production order will be created.
If you fill in the planning horizon, the Calculate to field will be filled automatically with the System date + Planning horizon. You can still modify the Calculate to field at this stage.
Use the Calculate to field to fill in the date of the MRP calculation. The MRP calculation signals any stock parts required before this date.
Note: The date filled in will be ignored for parts for which a planning horizon other than '0' has been specified in the Parts module (Logistics tab, Planning horizon field). If the value of the Planning horizon field on the Parts form is greater than '0', the planning horizon determines the period over which the requirement for stock parts will be calculated. The requirement will then be calculated until the system date, increased by the number of days specified in the 'Planning horizon' field.
Specify the levels for which you want to calculate the BOMs. BOMs with a large number of levels may have complex results that are difficult to interpret.
Using the level setting, you could, for example, first execute an MRP run for final products (level 0) only. Then review the resulting production files. After you have adjusted the production files (where necessary), perform the MRP run for the underlying levels (level 1 and above).