Use the Sales field to define a default sales routing (status flow) for the part. If you then add the part to a sales line, the routing and the first status within that routing will automatically be filled in on the sales line.
The default routing for the part can be deleted or changed on the sales line only if the following conditions are true:
On the sales line, you can always change the status linked to the routing, but if the routing cannot be changed, only the statuses linked to the selected routing will be available.
Use the Production field to define a default production routing (status flow) for the part. If you then add the part to a production file, the routing and the first status within that routing will automatically be filled in in the production file.
The default routing for the part can be deleted or changed in the production file only if the following conditions are true:
In the production file, you can always change the status linked to the routing, but if the routing cannot be changed, only the statuses linked to the selected routing will be available.
Use the Purchase field to define a default purchase routing (status flow) for the part. If you then add the part to a purchase offer or purchase order, the routing and the first status within that routing will automatically be filled in in the production file.
The default routing for the part can be deleted or changed on the purchase offer or purchase order line only if the following conditions are true:
On the line, you can always change the status linked to the routing, but if the routing cannot be changed, only the statuses linked to the selected routing will be available.
This field is relevant if you use the Run backflushing process. This item controls the posting of production receipts. If the Process production receipts check box for the part is not selected, the destination (stock, production order, or sales order) of the part will not be recorded during backflushing.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
This field is relevant if you use the Run backflushing process. Part lines are backflushed only for parts for which the As part calculation line check box is selected on the Logistics tab of the Parts form. Leave this check box empty for parts that will never be posted automatically using backflushing (for example, because they are too expensive).
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The issuing warehouse of a part is used as the default warehouse whenever you issue the part from stock to a production order or cost center. If it is not changed there, it will also be used when parts are issued from stock to a production order or cost center. You can still change the default warehouse on the issue line.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The issue location is copied when the part is added to a calculation line. If it is not changed there, it will also be used when parts are issued from stock to a production order or cost center. The location can be changed on the issue line.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The purchase warehouse of a part is used as the default warehouse when you create a purchase requirement for stocking purposes. The default warehouse can still be changed when creating purchase requirements and receiving parts.
The purchase warehouse is also used when you receive parts from production.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The purchase location of a part is used as the default warehouse location when you create a purchase requirement that is intended for stock. The default location can still be changed when creating purchase requirements and receiving parts.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The sales warehouse of a part is used as the default warehouse when you add the part to a sales order and want to deliver it from stock. The default warehouse can still be changed when creating sales orders and shipping parts.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The sales location of a part is used as the default warehouse location when you add the part to a sales order and want to deliver it from stock. The default location can still be changed when creating sales orders and shipping parts.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The backflush warehouse of a part is used as the default warehouse from which the part is backflushed. The backflush warehouse holds the floor stock on the shop floor. The backflush warehouse is used as the default warehouse when you add the part to a part calculation. The field value can still be modified here.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
The backflush location of a part is used as the default warehouse location from which the part is backflushed. The backflush location holds the floor stock on the shop floor. The backflush location is used as the default location when you add the part to a part calculation. The field value can still be modified here.
Tip: In the General Settings module, you can specify a value for this field that will be used as the default value for all parts (Settings folder, Default values form, Part tab). This value will now be filled in automatically whenever a new part is added. You can modify the default value at any time, where necessary.
Stock levels
This is an informational field that cannot be modified. This field shows the sum of the stock lines that have been added via the Stock button. Stock quantities can only be changed using the Stock button.
Enter the number of parts you are expect to use during the delivery time of the part. For example, if you usually use 75 locking rings per week, and the delivery time of these locking rings is two weeks, enter '150' for the expected usage.
The field value is used for the calculation of the order level.
This is the minimum stock you want to carry for this part. As soon as the current stock falls below this minimum stock level, the part will appear on the purchase requirement. If the part is a production part, a production file will be created. In both cases, any orders already made and the expected stock decrease (expected issues to an order) will be taken into account.
The purpose of the minimum stock is to accommodate any uncertainty regarding the expected usage over time. You are recommended to enter a stock quantity that is sufficient to bridge the time remaining until the next delivery. When entering this quantity, you should take into consideration any fluctuations in the expected usage.
To calculate the minimum stock quantity, use the Issue statistics report (Purchase module, Transaction files, Purchase requirement for parts, Information menu). You can calculate the expected usage based on the monthly average, and you can calculate the minimum stock using the standard deviation.
The order level is calculated automatically based on the values in the Expected usage and Minimum stock fields. The order level is used for the order point method when creating a purchase requirement when needed.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
This is an informational field. It allows you to specify the maximum stock you want to have for a particular part, for example because of storage costs.
Active, Purchase - production, Purchase - sales, Production - sales, Production - production
Use these fields to:
The WIP location feature enables you to register the location of parts that are not part of the stock. You can choose from the following options:
Select this check box to enable the WIP location feature for the selected part. |
If this check box is selected, the WIP location feature is enabled when you purchase the part as a component for production purposes. |
If this check box is selected, the WIP location feature is enabled when you purchase the part in order to sell it on. |
If this check box is selected, the WIP location feature is enabled when you have produced the part in order to sell it on. |
If this check box is selected, the WIP location feature is enabled when the production part will be processed further during production. |
Note: It is not possible to change the Purchase - production, Purchase - sales, Production - sales and Production - production fields here. These values are specified in the General Settings module (Settings > Basic data form > Settings tab), and can only be modified there.
This setting determines how parts from stock are used.
Parts that are recorded in stock first are to be issued first. |
Parts can be issued in a random order. |
You can use this setting to select parts that qualify for backflushing. If parts with this setting are used in production, the preliminary production quantity can be deducted from the stock automatically. Alternatively, you can configure the software to not automatically deduct parts with this setting, but only parts that are not floor stock. |
This setting is automatically used for parts of the 'Costs', 'Services', or 'Functional BOM' type. These parts are not kept in stock and they do not have to appear on documents such as purchase requirements. It is not possible to use the setting for the part types 'Purchase part' and 'Production part'. |
Use the order code to set the default value for the origin of the part. The order code of a part is copied if you click the Parts button to include the part in the part calculation. When a part is used on a sales line or on the Parts production calculation form, the order code determines the origin of the line.
In all of these cases, you can change the default order code by entering another order code, for example because it is cheaper to purchase a part than to produce it yourself, or because you have a production part still in stock. You therefore use this field to enter the order code that is used most frequently for the part.
Note: Order codes are not just relevant for purchase parts. Order codes are also used for production parts. For a production part, for instance, you could specify the order code 'Produce in new production file' to indicate that you want to produce the part yourself when it is required.
You can choose from the following options:
This order code indicates that the part will not be ordered until it is required for an order, at which time it will be ordered in accordance with the exact specifications (quantity, length, etcetera) listed in the order calculation. The most basic unit (the stock unit) will be used for the calculation; other settings have no impact on this.
This setting indicates that the part will not be ordered until it is required for an order. The part will be ordered in the purchase unit set for this part on the Purchasing tab of the Parts form in the Parts module. The number of purchase units required to meet the requirements will be ordered.
Use this order code to indicate that the part is in stock, and that you will take it out of stock if you need it. If the stock level of the part falls below the minimum, the part will automatically appear on the purchase requirement, and it can be ordered to replenish the stock. If the part is a purchase part, it is ordered in the order quantity set on the Purchasing tab in the Parts module. This tab also shows the minimum stock and the current stock. The unit used for purchase parts is the purchase unit. The requirement is converted into the order quantity as a minimum, and if required, the order quantity is increased by the quantity set in the Increase by field on the Purchase tab. If the part is a production part, the quantity specified in the Batch size field on the Calculation/production tab in the Parts module will be ordered. The unit used for production parts is the stock unit. The requirement is converted into the batch size as a minimum, and if required, the batch size is increased by the quantity set in the Increase by field on the Calculation/production tab.
Use this setting to indicate that the part is supplied by the customer (who has ordered the finished product in which it will be included). No purchase requirements are created for parts with this order code.
Use this order code for semi-finished products that will not be assembled until you need them. These parts are parts of the 'Production part' type. To create a separate production order for the semi-finished product, choose order code 'Produce in new production file'. This will create a link between the two production orders, allowing you to see for which production order the semi-finished product is to be produced. No purchase requirements are created for parts with this order code A production file is created to meet the requirement. This can be done when the sales order line is saved or when a calculation is copied. Use the Auto-create production file for sales offer/order? field on the Calculation/production tab of the Parts form to configure the software to automatically create the production file when a requirement arises.
Use this order code for semi-finished products that will not be assembled until you need them. These parts are parts of the 'Production part' type. Use the order code 'Copy calculation (phantom)' to merge any underlying calculations into one calculation. The calculation will then include a phantom line that shows the semi-finished product for which the underlying calculation components are intended. All part lines, operation lines, equipment lines, and external operation lines referring to the semi-finished product will contain a reference to the phantom line. Use the Show phantom option to specify whether the phantom line should be displayed on the form. No purchase requirements are created for parts with this order code
This field is used to specify how the stock is maintained and replenished. The field setting determines whether the part requirement will be calculated when the Create purchase requirement for stock parts and Run MRP processes are run.
You can choose from the following options:
Use this setting for parts with an order code other than 'Stock' or for parts that do have the 'Stock' order code, but for which you maintain the stock yourself and manually create purchase orders and production orders when necessary. The part is not included in the Create purchase requirement for stock parts and Run MRP calculations. |
Note: This field cannot be filled in if the part type is 'Costs', 'Service', or 'Functional BOM', or if the issue sequence is 'Do not maintain stock'. In all other cases, you have to choose from the four options listed above.
The planning horizon is used in the Create purchase requirement for stock parts and Run MRP processes. The planning horizon is a period in the future for which the part requirement is to be calculated. No purchase requirements or production orders are created for the period after this horizon.
If the field value is '0', the horizon that can be specified on the Create purchase requirement for stock parts (To date) and Run MRP (Calculate to) forms will be used for the part.
If you define a planning horizon other than '0', any 'To date' entered on these forms will not be taken into account during the execution of the Create purchase requirement for stock parts and Run MRP processes. The planning horizon has a higher priority in the process than the date.
You are recommended to enter a planning horizon period that is at least as long as the lead time required to produce or purchase the part, and to take into consideration the ordering interval.
The planning horizon less the delivery time must be greater than the ordering interval. If the delivery time of a part is six weeks, and orders are placed once a week, the planning horizon should be set to a minimum of seven weeks.
This is the employee responsible for the production planning of the part.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified. This is filled in automatically during the Run MRP process. It indicates the lowest level at which the part occurs in a calculation. If this field is set to '0', the MRP calculation has not been performed since the part was added, and the low-level code is not yet known.
If the low-level code is '-1', no value is known for the part, even though the MRP calculation has been executed. Before the calculation is started, the low-level code of all parts is set to '-1'. If the process is then aborted, or if a user is changing part data while the process is being executed, the code will remain '-1' for all parts for which the process has not been completed.
This field shows the number of times the stock of a part has been counted during the year using the Create stock counts process.
You can use the field to check whether a part has been counted the correct number of times. The number of part counts is usually linked to the ABC code of the part. If your ABC classification requires that a part must be counted each quarter, this field will contain the value '4' by the end of the year.
Run the Reset times counted to zero for all parts process to reset the Times counted field on the Logisticstab to '0' for all parts in the file. Perform this action at year-end closing to reset the counts for the new year.
The Times counted field is incremented each time you process stock counts.
This field contains the number of the last processed stock count containing the part.
This date indicates the last time a change was made to a field that is relevant to the stock control of the part. It is filled automatically with the system date as soon as such a field is changed, and shows the planner the currency of the fields controlling the stock control process.
Because a stock control field can be current without having been changed, it is also be possible to manually enter a date. After checking the fields, a planner can therefore manually enter the date to indicate when the check was performed.
Below you will find a list of the fields that are relevant to stock control, and that will cause the Check date field to be updated if they are changed:
Tab |
Field |
Calculation/production |
Batch size |
Increment by |
Purchase |
Order quantity |
Increment by |
Economic order quantity |
Delivery time |
Maximum delivery time |
Logistics |
Minimum stock |
Stock control |
Planning horizon |
Purchase contract |
Contract part |
Annual usage |
Contract quantity |
Minimum balance |