Run the Create purchase requirement for stock parts process to calculate the parts to be ordered in a particular period in order to maintain the required stock levels. When this process is executed, only the stock and the stock parts will be taken into account, and not the parts to be ordered to order. The calculation of the purchase requirements for stock parts is based on the values of the Batch size and Increment by fields in the Parts module.
The calculated purchase requirement is available in the Transaction files folder of the Purchase module. A purchase requirement is not binding. It is up to you to decide which items listed on the requirement you actually want to purchase. The Method field on the Origin tab shows the stock control method used to create a purchase requirement.
Interchangeable stock of part revisions
If you are using Revision Management and the stock of part revisions is set to be interchangeable, then the stock of all revisions of a part can be used. If the stock levels of all revisions are collectively insufficient, a purchase requirement is created for the last released revision of the part. If the setting is not enabled, only the stock for the last released revision selected on the sales line is calculated, and, if necessary, a purchase requirement is created.
Use selection data to specify the range for which you want to calculate the purchase requirement. You can specify a selection of parts, part groups, or purchase groups.
Use this field to specify the date of the stock requirement calculation. The process will detect any stock parts that will be required before this date.
Note: The planning horizon specified on the Logistics tab of the Parts form has a higher priority than the value of the To date field specified in the process. If you have defined a planning horizon other than '0' for a part, the value of the To date field you have entered on the processing form will be ignored.
Note: The stock requirement is combined into one-week "time buckets".
When creating purchase requirements, you can choose to delete any purchase requirements already present in the Transaction files folder of the Purchase module. Indicate whether you want to do so, and if so, whether you want to delete only your own purchase requirements, or also purchase requirements belonging to other users.
If you select the Including authorized purchase requirements check box, also authorized purchase requirements will be deleted. Leave the check box empty if you do not want to touch any authorized purchase requirements.
If you select the Only purchase requirements in range check box, purchase requirements will be deleted only within the selected range for which you will create new purchase requirements during the current process.
Note: You can change, process or delete another user's lines only if you have rights to do so. If these rights have not been assigned to your user name, you can only change, process or delete your own lines.