The Sales overview form shows a range of information about sales offers and sales orders. You can use this information to create your own overviews if you are using the standard list functions and reporting options. You can also use to retrieve detail information when you are on the form.
Use presets to determine the information displayed:
The 'Default selection' preset shows the current sales lines. Current sales lines are lines with an 'Offer', 'Order' or 'Actual costing' status type (so any status type except the 'History' status type).
For an instant view of the sales offers to be sent, sort the sales lines by status.
The 'Current sales offers' preset shows all current sales offers (sales files with one or more sales lines with an 'Offer' status). The Total offer lines sum column shows only the total sum of all offer lines in a sales file.
Sales employee Johnson can apply a filter () to retrieve his own current sales offers (condition 'Sales employee equals Johnson').
The 'Current sales offer lines' preset shows all current sales offer lines (sales lines with an 'Offer' status).
To see the sales lines for a customer before you contact the customer, group the data by customer and check the sales lines linked to the customer.
The 'Current sales orders' preset shows all current sales orders (sales files with one or more sales lines with an 'Order' or 'Actual costing' status). The Total order lines sum column only shows the total sum of all sales lines in a sales file with an 'Order' or 'Actual costing' status.
By applying conditional formatting (), you can see in an instant which orders have a shipping date in the past (condition 'Desired order shipping date is Past').
The 'Current sales order lines' preset shows all current sales order lines (sales lines with an 'Order' or 'Actual costing' status).
To get a quick idea of the size of a sales order, group the sales orders and add the Quantity column (right-click the Sales line column header), to see the number of sales lines that belong to the order.
The 'Shipping schedule' preset shows sales lines and their shipping schedules. You will see information about the shipment of goods. The information includes the delivery date of the goods, the number of partial deliveries, the number of goods already shipped, and the number of goods still to be shipped.
To see sales lines that have outstanding shipments, use conditional formatting to highlight any confirmed shipping dates in the past with a red color. Then group the data by Week of shipment to display the sales lines you need to take action on, grouped by week.
The 'Offer intake' preset shows the sales value of sales offers for a particular period. It gives sales employees an insight into the values and quantities of the offers that have been issued.
The Intake sum column shows the increase or decrease (negative sum) in the sales value on a sales line. This could be the result of a sales status change or a change in the sales sum of the sales line. The reason for the change in the value is shown in the Change reason field.
Use the Impact on offer intake setting on the Sales statuses form to indicate whether the sales value of a sales offer line affects the offer intake (see the Help for that setting for an explanation and an example). The Sales value log form shows all value changes that have been made to a sales line.
You can specify the period for which you want view the offer intake:
Use the 'Set period' toolbar to set the historic period for which you want to see the intake or the sales lines. You can either use a 'From date' and a 'To date' to set an exact period, or specify the number of years, months, etcetera, you want to look back, in which case the corresponding dates will be filled in automatically. It is not possible to combine the two options. By default, the 'To date' is the current date, but you can choose another date in the past.
You might want to create a pivot table showing the weekly or monthly intake sum.
The 'Order intake' preset shows the sales value of sales orders for a particular period. It gives sales employees an insight into the order values and quantities.
The Intake sum column shows the increase or decrease (negative sum) in the sales value on a sales line. This could be the result of a sales status change or a change in the sales sum of the sales line. The reason for the change in the value is shown in the Change reason field.
Use the Impact on order intake option on the Sales statuses form to indicate whether the sales value of a sales order line affects the order intake (see the Help for that setting for an explanation and an example). The Sales value log form shows all value changes that have been made to a sales line.
You can specify the period for which you want view the order intake:
Use the 'Set period' toolbar to set the historic period for which you want to see the intake or the sales lines. You can either use a 'From date' and a 'To date' to set an exact period, or specify the number of years, months, etcetera, you want to look back, in which case the corresponding dates will be filled in automatically. It is not possible to combine the two options. By default, the 'To date' is the current date, but you can choose another date in the past.
For example, you can create a pivot table based on the monthly intake sum.
The 'Sales offer turnover planning' preset shows sales offer lines with an 'Offer' status. The information displayed gives users such as controllers an indication of the sums that might be invoiced. The invoicing method determines whether the following columns are filled and, if so, where those values originate from: Quantity, Planned turnover (Sales value - Already invoiced), Weighted turnover (Planned turnover * Scoring percentage) and Planned invoice date. For periodic invoicing, for invoicing via shipping notes, and for costs or services, the data originate from the Periodic invoices form, the shipping schedule line, and the sales line respectively. The Line type column shows the origin of the data. The Quantity field, for instance, will remain empty if the line type is 'Periodic invoicing'.
If you were to group by Sales type and apply the Total grouping function to the planned turnover (right-click the Planned turnover column header), you would see the remaining sales type and you can take action on it.
A controller wants to see the turnover of the following sales files:
Sales file |
Sales line |
Shipping line |
Part type |
Periodic invoicing |
Quantity |
Sales value |
99814 |
10 |
Yes |
$175 |
20 |
Yes |
$550 |
30 |
Yes |
$125 |
40 |
Services |
Yes |
$250 |
99815 |
10 |
1 |
8 |
$80 |
10 |
2 |
1 |
$10 |
10 |
3 |
3 |
$30 |
20 |
Costs |
$45 |
Sales file '99814' is invoiced using periodic invoices:
The turnover planning for the sales files looks like this:
Sales file |
Line |
Sales line |
Shipping line |
Line type |
Sum |
99814 |
10 |
10, 20, 30, 40 |
Periodic invoicing |
$500 |
20 |
10, 20, 30, 40 |
Periodic invoicing |
$250 |
30 |
10, 20, 30, 40 |
Periodic invoicing |
$350 |
99815 |
10 |
1 |
Shipping line |
$80 |
10 |
2 |
Shipping line |
$10 |
10 |
3 |
Shipping line |
$30 |
20 |
Sales line |
$45 |
The 'Sales order turnover planning' preset shows sales order lines with an 'Order' or 'Actual costing' status. Users such as controllers can check the sales value against the sums already invoiced to get an indication of the planned turnover. The invoicing method determines whether the following columns are filled and, if so, where those values originate from: Quantity, Sales value, Already invoiced and Planned invoice date. For periodic invoicing, for invoicing via shipping notes, and for costs or services, the data originate from the Periodic invoices form, the shipping schedule line, and the sales line respectively. The Line type column shows the origin of the data. The Already invoiced field, for instance, is filled only if the line type is 'Shipping line'.
If you were to sort by date, you would see the lines that can be invoiced first.
A controller wants to see the turnover of the following sales files:
Sales file |
Sales line |
Shipping line |
Part type |
Periodic invoicing |
Quantity |
Sales value |
99814 |
10 |
Yes |
$175 |
20 |
Yes |
$550 |
30 |
Yes |
$125 |
40 |
Services |
Yes |
$250 |
99815 |
10 |
1 |
8 |
$80 |
10 |
2 |
1 |
$10 |
10 |
3 |
3 |
$30 |
20 |
Costs |
$45 |
Sales file '99814' is invoiced using periodic invoices:
The turnover planning for the sales files looks like this:
Sales file |
Line |
Sales line |
Shipping line |
Line type |
Sum |
99814 |
10 |
10, 20, 30, 40 |
Periodic invoicing |
$500 |
20 |
10, 20, 30, 40 |
Periodic invoicing |
$250 |
30 |
10, 20, 30, 40 |
Periodic invoicing |
$350 |
99815 |
10 |
1 |
Shipping line |
$80 |
10 |
2 |
Shipping line |
$10 |
10 |
3 |
Shipping line |
$30 |
20 |
Sales line |
$45 |
The 'Sales lines' preset shows all sales lines, including closed lines with a 'History' status type. This allows you to create a variety of cross-sections of all sales offers and orders.
You can specify the period for which you want view the sales lines:
Use the 'Set period' toolbar to set the historic period for which you want to see the intake or the sales lines. You can either use a 'From date' and a 'To date' to set an exact period, or specify the number of years, months, etcetera, you want to look back, in which case the corresponding dates will be filled in automatically. It is not possible to combine the two options. By default, the 'To date' is the current date, but you can choose another date in the past.
Which sales lines are displayed?
The offer or order date of a sales file determines whether sales lines fall within the period specified and are therefore displayed by the 'Sales lines' preset:
Use the Update statuses process in the Edit menu to update the status of one or more lines. Depending on the lines you select, you can update the status of any or all sales lines (of a sales offer or order) and/or the status of a production file.