You can still change the destination even if receipts or purchase invoices have been processed for the purchase line. As financial entries may have been made, the original part calculation line should never be deleted. The Change purchase line destination processing form has new fields that indicate whether entries have been made:
Receipts registered
You can change the destination for part of the purchase order as long as no receipts or purchase invoices have been processed. To do so, fill in the Quantity to move field on the Change purchase line destination processing form.
The Change purchase line destination process now also allows you to move a purchase item if a part calculation line for this purchase item is missing from the target production file. In previous releases, you had to use the Move long lead-time item process if you wanted to do so. The Move long lead-time item process has been removed. To create a new part calculation line in the target production file, select the Create new part calculation line check box.
The costs posted to the original destination will be corrected and transferred to the new destination. For this purpose, the journal entry category 440 Change purchase line destination has been added (see Journal entry category 440 added). Any general journal entries will be associated with the original part calculation line.