0094 Production calculation for parts - Long lead-time component
If long lead-time components have already been ordered or produced, then they will no longer be required for the final production file. As soon as you create a part calculation line for a part, you will be informed that the part specified in the sales order already exists in a production file for long lead-time components. This does require the setting Detection of long lead-time components to be enabled. If a part has been found to exist in a production file for long lead-time components, you can no longer order the components or create an underlying calculation structure for the final production file. If you want to do so anyway, you can cancel the detection.
This check box is selected if the part is included in a production file that is marked as a production file for long lead-time components. If you create a part calculation line for this part within the same sales order, you will be informed that the part already exists in a production file for long lead-time components.
If the check box is empty, it is a part that has not been marked as a long lead-time component.
Long lead-time components can be detected only if the basic setting Detection of long lead-time components is enabled. If that setting is disabled, no detection takes place.
There is no detection if the Long lead-time component check box is selected.
Yes: The part specified on the part calculation line is also present in the same sales order within a production file for long lead-time components, and the basic setting Detection of long lead-time components is enabled. Because the part for that production file may already have been ordered or produced, you can no longer order or produce the part for the part calculation line in the final production file.
If the detected part is indeed intended for the part calculation line in the final production file, you can change the destination of the purchase line or the production file for the long lead-time component.
If you would rather be able to order or produce the part for the part calculation line, select the Detection canceled check box.
No: The basic setting Detection of long lead-time components is enabled, but no part calculation line for long lead-time components with a matching part was found within the same sales order.
You cannot order or produce any items for the part calculation line if the value of the Detected field is 'Yes'. To be able to do so anyway, select the Detection canceled check box. You may want to do so if the long lead-time components detected are not intended for the part calculation line, or if not enough parts were ordered or produced. If you cancel the detection, you can build a production structure on the part calculation line as you would normally do.
Here you can see the origins of the current part calculation line:
On a part calculation line for long lead-time components (Long lead-time component selected), the Assigned column shows whether there are any purchase or production parts of which the destination must be changed to the final production file.
On a part calculation line in the final production file, you can check whether the requirement has already been covered by comparing the quantities in the Preliminary costing column with the quantities in the Assigned column. If that is not the case, you may have to transfer parts from the production file for long lead-time components by changing their destination.