If this check box is selected, the Calculate costs process has already been executed for this production file, and the Calculate preliminary costs field was selected during the previous execution of the process.
Preliminary costs are displayed on the PR Cost price tab.
If this check box is selected, the Calculate costs process has already been executed for this production file, and the Calculate actual costs field was selected during the previous execution of the process.
Actual costs are displayed on the AC Cost price tab.
Cost price
Any costs incurred on an order must be posted to the correct ledger accounts. Depending on the financial search path, order types and/or part groups can help make the correct postings.
Note: If financial postings have been made against the production file, you can change the value of the Order type field only if the Allow change of sales type after financial postings check box is selected on the General tab of the Financial form.
Production file, Production order
When you merge production files or orders, they are produced together. If the selected production file has been merged with one or more other files, and it is produced under another production file or production order code, it shows the relevant code.
If a production file is linked to a project line, this link is visible on the Order information link form in the Projects module, and in the production file itself. This information clearly shows to which project line each component of the order structure is linked. You can open the project line from the Project field.
Use this field to specify a target object. The target subject is the 'recipient' of the part. Examples are a machine for which you deliver spare parts, a building for which you will provide a service, or a plant of which the current part is a component.
If a target object has already been specified in the production order, this target object will automatically be copied to this field. This only works for unplanned issues of object-linked parts.
Example of use of target objects
Examples of the use of a target object:
This field shows the type of preventive maintenance that must be executed.
Preliminary costing based on business practice standards/rates
This check box is selected if the Apply SE factor process has been performed for this file.
Production file
Production file for long lead-time components
If this check box has been selected, the production file is intended for long lead-time components. Long lead-time items are items you want to order in time or production parts you want to produce in time. Use the Change purchase line destination process to assign the purchase parts to the final production file. Use the Change production file destination process to do so for long lead-time production components.
Long lead-time production files can only include part calculation lines that have the following order codes: