The order process for long lead-time items consists of the following steps:
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Also allowed after registering or processing receipts or invoices |
It is also possible to create a long lead-time file for production parts that must be produced a long time in advance.
The starting point is a sales order containing a sales line. The product included on this sales line is a product your own company produces. Its calculation can have multiple levels: it may have semi-finished articles consisting of other semi-finished articles, etcetera. Long lead-time components required in this structure must often be ordered even before the production structure is known. In order to register these items, you could first create an additional sales line with a dummy part you have created specifically for purchasing long lead-time items. Set the origin of this line to 'Production'. A production file will automatically be created for the dummy part.
Then, on the Production calculation for parts form, create a line on which you enter the long lead-time item. You can add multiple lines in order to purchase all long lead-time items for a particular order at the same time. Once you have marked the file as a file for long lead-time items, all underlying part lines will also automatically be marked as such (Continued tab).
Once you have authorized the part line, you can purchase the part.
After some time, the long lead-time item will be received. Once it is known where the purchase item will ultimately be used, move the long lead-time item to the target production file in which the long lead-time item will be used.To do so, use the Change purchase line destination process. This process also allows you to create a new part calculation line in the target production file, move part of the purchase line to the new destination, and delete the original calculation line.
Note: If, in a production file, you create a part calculation line for a long lead-time item you have already purchased, the long lead-time item will still be displayed on the purchase requirement. As the long lead-time item was purchased under a different file, a requirement will be detected for the new production file. You are therefore recommended to keep a record of the long lead-time items already purchased, to prevent duplicate orders. The recommended procedure is to move the line containing the long lead-time item from the dummy file to the correct file when the actual calculation is created. This will prevent duplicate orders, and will prevent you from accidentally registering the part receipt on the dummy line.