Purchase offers and purchase orders

The Purchase offers and Purchase orders forms list the purchase offers and purchase orders that have been created. At the highest level, you will find the general details of the order (if any): purchase offer number/purchase order number, supplier, payment condition, currency, etcetera.

The underlying lines show details such as the required parts, quantities, and receipt dates.

Purchase offers

Purchase offers can be added in two ways:

You can add multiple lines to a purchase offer. These lines are always orders of type 'Parts' or 'External operations'.

To request a purchase offer from more than one supplier, copy the offer with the Copy purchase offer option. When using this copy feature, specify a list of the suppliers you want to ask for an offer. A copy of the offer is created for all of the suppliers you specify.

Once you have received the offer details from the suppliers, you register those details on the purchase offers. Where appropriate, you can convert one of the purchase offers into a purchase order.

Purchase orders

Purchase orders can be added by using the following processes:

These processes will convert authorized purchase requirements into purchase orders.

Purchase orders for parts can also be added by clicking New (CTRL+N). Creation by 'promoting' a purchase offer to a purchase order is only possible for parts or external operations. Use the Create purchase order from purchase offer feature to promote a purchase offer to an order.

Once a purchase order has been created, only a limited number of purchase order details can be modified.

Purchase orders can be deleted only via the History module.

Tip: After you have modified a purchase offer or purchase order line, you can compare the old and the new data on the Compare current and original form.

Note: When purchase orders are created, various postings are made. Isah keeps track of the parts, equipment, and external operations ordered and of their destinations. Production and sales orders show whether the required parts, equipment, and external operations have been ordered, and if so, under which purchase order. These data are updated at the time a purchase order is created.



Purchase order

Purchase offer



Posting date




Purchase employee

Delivery condition

Payment condition


Confirmation date

Receipt address


Delivery address

Shipping address


Order print status



Offer print status




Received/invoiced on