This form shows the actual costs posted to the selected part calculation line. They are the costs of posted purchase invoices... These costs are posted at the time the purchase invoice is processed permanently.
When to-order parts are received, provisional costs are posted (the purchase order price). They are displayed on the AC part costs; Part receipt costs form. Once the purchase invoice has been posted, this provisional price is adjusted by the actual costs. This settlement is displayed on the Costs of purchase invoice for to-order parts form.
The Help topic Processes in Isah contains more information about the way in which the actual part costs are calculated in Isah.
Contra entries
When a purchase line is assigned a different production file as its destination, the costs may have to be corrected. If a purchase invoice has already been processed for the part calculation line, a contra entry will be made for the costs on the original part calculation line, and the costs will be transferred to the new destination. To make that contra entry, for each line a new line is created with a negative amount. The total of all original and new actual costing lines is $ 0. On lines containing contra entries, the Original line field refers to the original actual costing line for which contra entries were made for the costs.