This is the capacity group that will perform the operation. Various details specified for the relevant capacity group are retrieved on the operation line.
Employees can be linked to an operations schedule, in order to allow you to schedule using labor hours. To link one employee to an operation, select this employee in the Employee field on the Operations calculation form or the Production calculation for operations form. To link multiple employees to an operation line, click the Personnel button on the calculation form or the production calculation form.
This informational field, which is primarily intended for users of Isah Shop Floor Control (SFC), allows you to group operations by the attribute you specify here. This attribute could be a number (for example to indicate the sequence), a color, a material or any other attribute. Use the Column Chooser to display this information in SFC, in order to control the execution method or sequence of the operations on the shop floor.
The machine setup time is the time needed to set up one or more machines before an operation can start. This time consists of the machine hours required to get a machine ready for production; the required number of labor hours is shown in the Setup labor time field.
If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, the setup/adjustment time cannot be changed. In that case, the setup/adjustment time will be retrieved from the capacity group details.
The machine cycle time is the machine time required to perform the operation. If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, the total cycle time for the machine will be calculated based on the Quantity field and the Standard capacity field. If the Use standard capacity is not selected, you fill in the setup, adjustment and cycle times manually.
The machine adjustment time is the time needed to clean and power off a machine after an operation has finished. This time consists of the machine hours required to power off a machine; the required number of labor hours is shown in the Adjustment labor time field.
If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, the setup/adjustment time cannot be changed. In that case, the setup/adjustment time will be retrieved from the capacity group details.
The setup labor time is the labor time needed to set up one or more machines before an operation can start. This time consists of the labor hours required to get a machine ready for production; the required number of machine hours is shown in the Machine setup time field.
If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, the setup/adjustment time cannot be changed. In that case, the setup/adjustment time will be retrieved from the capacity group details. If the Labor time equals machine time check box is selected (General Settings module, Settings folder, Basic data, Calculations tab), the time cannot be changed either.
The cycle labor time is the labor time required to perform the operation.
If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, you cannot change this field value, and the cycle labor time will be retrieved from the capacity group. If the Labor time equals machine time check box is selected (General Settings module, Settings folder, Basic data, Calculations tab), the time cannot be changed either.
The adjustment labor time is the time needed to clean and power off one or more machines after an operation has finished. This time consists of the labor hours required to power off a machine; the required number of machine hours is shown in the Machine adjustment time field.
If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, the setup/adjustment time cannot be changed. In that case, the setup/adjustment time will be retrieved from the capacity group details. If the Labor time equals machine time check box is selected (General Settings module, Settings folder, Basic data, Calculations tab), the time cannot be changed either.
If this calculation line is part of the calculation of a phantom part (a semi-finished product for which the product calculation is copied to the calculation), this field shows the line that contains the phantom part. This enables you to see which calculation lines are part of a phantom part.
This field shows the total number of times that the action must be performed. If the standard capacity is used in calculations, this field is important for the calculation of the total cycle time.
The informational field next to the quantity allows you to enter a unit, for example 'pieces' or 'pipes'.
This quantity is the pre-calculated quantity. The actual quantity is shown in the Actual costing field.
This is the number of pieces recorded as actually having undergone the operation. This information is retrieved from the processed hour lines.
If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, the total cycle time for the machine will be calculated based on the Quantity field and the Standard capacity field. If the Use standard capacity is not selected, you fill in the setup, adjustment and cycle times manually.
The Use standard capacity check box can be selected or deselected only in the capacity group settings.
If the Use standard capacity is not selected, but you do want the cycle times to be calculated based on the quantity and the standard capacity, open the Settings menu and choose the Calculate machine cycle time based on quantity and standard option.
The standard capacity is the regular capacity for this capacity group, for example '10 pieces per hour' or '5 minutes per piece'. The standard capacity can be used when calculating the time required to perform the operation (see the Total machine cycle time field). This depends on the setting of the Use standard capacity check box.
If the Use standard capacity check box is selected, the total cycle time for the machine will be calculated based on the Quantity field and the Standard capacity field. If the Use standard capacity is not selected, you fill in the setup, adjustment and cycle times manually.
If the Use standard capacity is not selected, but you do want the cycle times to be calculated based on the quantity and the standard capacity, open the Settings menu and choose the Calculate machine cycle time based on quantity and standard option.
The Use standard capacity setting is configured in the capacity group settings. When you select this check box, the standard times set for the capacity group will be copied to the setup/adjustment times and standard capacity of the operation line to which you are adding the capacity group. The total cycle times are then calculated on the basis of the quantity specified on the operation line.
Although you can no longer change the setup and adjustment times if the Use standard capacity check box is selected, it is possible to specify a different standard capacity. In that case, the total cycle time for the machine will be calculated based on the new standard capacity.
Note: The standard capacity can be specified in 'Minutes per piece' or in 'Quantities per hour'. The unit displayed on your screen depends on the setting in the Basic data form, Settings tab, Standard capacity unit field.
Note: Please think carefully before changing the standard capacity unit in the General Settings module. Changing the unit has far-reaching consequences for the calculations already present in Isah.
Tip: To ensure that the standard capacity on this operation line always has the same value as the standard capacity that has been set for the capacity group, leave the chain intact (). To prevent the standard capacity in this calculation from changing when the standard capacity for the capacity group is changed, break the chain (
). The chain icon for the standard capacity is available only in the operation calculation in the Parts module.
The operation status indicates the phase the operation line is in, for example 'Started' or 'Waiting for material'.
The plan type is copied from the operation status. The plan type indicates what needs to be done with an operation in the planning stage:
The operation will not be included in the Perform lead time planning process, and it is not possible to plan (or re-plan) the operation manually. |
The operation will be included in the Perform lead time planning process, and it can be planned (or re-planned) manually. |
The operation will be included in the Perform lead time planning process, but it is not possible to plan (or re-plan) the operation manually. |
The operation will not be included in the Perform lead time planning process, but it is possible to plan (or re-plan) the operation manually. |
As soon as hours have been entered against this operation line in the Hours accounting module, this check box is selected automatically. You can also select it manually to indicate that the operation has started, for example if you know that the hours will not be entered until later.
If an hour line has been processed for this operation line, while the Complete check box was selected, this check box is selected automatically. You can also select it manually to indicate that the operation is complete, for example if you know that the hours will not be entered until later.
This is the start date of the operations that can be used for forward scheduling.
This is the operations end date that can be used for backward scheduling.
The number of working days is calculated based on the start and end dates.
The actual start and end dates are based on the hour lines processed for this operation.
The planning process mainly consists of scheduling lead times of operations. Setup, adjustment, and operation times, which are used to calculate the lead time, can be specified for employees and for machines. Use the Based on field to specify whether you want the scheduling to take place based on labor times or machine times.
The Based on field is available in the capacity groups and in the operation calculation of production files. The value set for the capacity group is used whenever the capacity group is included in an operation calculation of a production file. The field value can still be modified here.