Isah allows you to purchase and sell in different currencies. Behind the scenes, all transactions are converted to and logged in a single base currency (US dollar, for example). This base currency is set here.
This field also shows the currency used to express sums for which the form does not show a currency code.
Note: Set this field before you start working with Isah, and do not change it afterwards. Changing it would have major implications for your accounting records. If you want to change the field setting anyway, please contact Isah first.
This is the language used at your company. This language code is used by default for displaying standard texts, and is used only if no relevant language code is found elsewhere in Isah.
You can always change this field, even if Isah is already used in your company.
If you retrieve the standard texts file in a memo field of the Customers form, Isah only shows the texts written in the language used by the customer (set in the Language field on the General tab).
If no language has been entered for the customer, Isah displays the texts written in the language set as the base language on the Basic data form.
When retrieving texts in the memo pad, you can still view texts with a different language code than the code chosen based on this search path.
Enter the country your company is based in. The country is required for the VAT search path. If you leave this field empty, the VAT search path cannot be used in Isah.
You can always change this field, even if Isah is already used in your company.
Specify the currency to which the exchange rate set on the Currencies form applies. The exchange table currency is used to make currency conversions. If your company is based in a euro country, the Exchange table currency field must be set to 'EUR' (euro).
Note: Set this field before you start working with Isah, and do not change it afterwards. Changing it would have major implications for your accounting records. If you want to change the field setting anyway, please contact Isah first.
This field contains the default script used in lookup fields, which are identified by the icon. Clicking this icon will activate the lookup script entered in this field. By default, the lookup script ensures that the List tab of the table specified in the relevant field is opened.
To have another action performed, use the Script lookup feature. When using this feature, you will create one or more alternative scripts, and then link these scripts to one or more forms. For example, you could use a script to retrieve a specific data set, or to display columns in the table on the List tab that would not be displayed with the standard lookup.
Users can call the alternative script by pressing Shift + in the field of their choice.
When a user calls an alternative script by pressing Shift + , Isah will check whether there is a specific lookup script for the field in question. Isah will first check whether the form script contains a script for the lookup. If it does, that script will be executed. If there is no form script, or if it does not contain a lookup script for the relevant lookup, Isah will check the Lookup script field on the Settings tab of the Basic data form for a general script. If it finds a general script there, Isah will check whether that script contains specific code for the field in which the alternative script was called. If it does not, the standard lookup script will be selected.
This script is executed when Isah is started up. The script applies to every user who starts Isah.
You can choose the unit to be used when entering length, width and height values. For example, you could choose millimeters or centimeters. It is also possible to specify the unit to be used to display the value entered. For example, you could have the value displayed in meters.
To enable Isah to convert the values in the input unit to the display unit, you need to enter the conversion factor for dimensions.
Note: Set this field before you start working with Isah, and do not change it afterwards. Changing it would have major implications for your accounting records. If you want to change the field setting anyway, please contact Isah first.
Note: Before you begin, determine the minimum and maximum values you want to be able to enter for dimensions, as they may restrict the input and display choices. It is possible, for example, that you enter part sizes in millimeters, but display them in meters. In this case you cannot specify a size of 0.075 mm. The reason is that this field has three positions before, and four after the decimal point, which makes 0.0001 m = 0.1 mm the smallest possible value. The schedule below shows the minimum and maximum values for input in millimeters and the different displays.
Display |
Input |
Conversion factor |
Minimum |
Maximum |
mm |
mm |
0 |
0.0001 mm |
999.9999 mm ≈1 m |
cm |
mm |
1 |
0.0001 cm = 0.001 mm |
999.9999 cm ≈10 m |
dm |
mm |
2 |
0.0001 dm = 0.01 mm |
999.9999 dm ≈ 100 m |
m |
mm |
3 |
0.0001 m = 0.1 mm |
999.9999 m ≈ 1000 m |
Example 1
You enter lengths, widths and heights in millimeters. Once you have saved your input, these values must be converted to meters, and then be displayed in meters on the screen. Specify the following settings:
Isah then needs to know how millimeters and meters are to be converted. If you entered the value in millimeters, the decimal point must be moved three positions to the left to convert the value to meters: 1500 mm = 1.500 m. Therefore, enter '3' in the Dimension conversion factor field.
Example 2
You want to enter dimensions in millimeters and also see them in millimeters on the screen. Specify the following settings:
As conversion is not necessary, enter '0' in the Dimension conversion factor field.
All operations required for the production of a part will take a certain amount of time. Use this field to indicate how you want to specify this time: in 'Minutes per hour' or 'Minutes per piece'. The standard unit you set applies to all operations you use in Isah for calculation purposes. The setting is displayed next to the Standard capacity field, for example on the Capacity groups form, and in the operation calculation in the Parts module.
Note: Set this field before you start working with Isah, and do not change it afterwards. Changing it would have major implications for your accounting records. If you want to change the field setting anyway, please contact Isah first.
Phase code for actual costing overviews
The phase set here is used as the default phase of production files when turnover/costs overviews are created. The phase code is entered automatically on the Create sales turnover/costs overview form. On this form, you can still use a different phase, if required.
Phases allow you to create snapshots of individual production files. These snapshots (including all revenues and costs) can then be used to fill in the phase-linked columns in the turnover/costs overviews.
Use this field to set the period after which the log lines in the log may be deleted automatically. When deleting the log lines, Isah will check the log date of the log lines.
The font you set here is used when you convert a memo field to RTF. To convert a memo field to RTF, enable the Edit mode in the memo field, right-click to open the menu, and select Convert to RTF.
In the module General Settings, your system or application manager may have set a company-wide background for the main menu (on the right side of the navigation pane). If a user has individual rights to change the background (program code 11860000), this user can replace the default background by a custom background by using the View menu. The default setting of the Main menu web background option in the General Settings module will remain unchanged, but on the user's system, the user setting has priority.
Backgrounds can be HTML pages, such as intranet or Internet pages, or images.
Paper size of standard reports
Set the paper size for default FastReport reports. All of these reports are printed on the paper size set here.
This check box controls whether negative stock is allowed in Isah.
If you select this check box, negative stock values may exist. You could, for example, enter a negative value in a stock line. Also, processes such as issues may result in a negative stock when you issue parts for production purposes or send parts to customers.
If you leave this check box empty, negative stock is not allowed. For example, if you want to use purchased parts in your production process, you will not be able to process the issue to production until the goods have been registered as received.
To change the setting of this field, use the Allow negative stock process. This process checks the stock to see whether it is possible to change the setting. For example, if you want to disallow negative stock, you can only do so if no negative stock lines are present. You will receive a notification if the field cannot be changed. This notification will then be added to the log.
Consequences of not allowing negative stock
The following processes may result in stock changes:
If negative stock is not permitted, it is possible that a part line you want to backflush is not processed because it would result in a negative stock line. Whenever one or more part lines cannot processed, the production file status will not be advanced.
When shipping notes are created, any shipping lines authorized for shipment are grouped into a shipping note. If negative stock is not permitted and one or more shipping lines would result in a negative stock line, only those shipping lines will not be processed. The other lines will be included on a shipping note.
When shipping notes are processed, stock changes may occur if you have changed the quantities or the origin on the shipping note. A shipping note cannot be processed if one or more lines result in a stock shortage.
This check box controls whether negative WIP locations are allowed in Isah. If you select this check box, negative values are allowed on WIP locations. Processes may result in negative WIP locations.
If you leave this check box empty, negative WIP locations are not allowed.
To change the setting of this field, use the Allow negative WIP locations process. This process checks whether it is possible to change the setting. For example, if you want to disallow negative WIP locations, you can only do so if no negative WIP location lines are present. You will receive a notification if the field cannot be changed. This notification will then be added to the log.
Use the 'Run APP calculation' option to have the average purchase price of your parts calculated automatically.
Location of to-order parts
WIP location enabled if 'Purchase' origin, 'Production' destination
Select this check box to use the WIP location feature for parts you have purchased for production use.
To use WIP locations for a part, you need to set the relevant option in the part details on the Logistics tab. The settings from the Basic data form have already been copied to the part, but they can be activated or deactivated for each individual part.
WIP location enabled if 'Purchase' origin, 'Sales' destination
Select this check box to use the WIP location feature for parts you have purchased in order to sell them on.
To use WIP locations for a part, you need to set the relevant option in the part details on the Logistics tab. The settings from the Basic data form have already been copied to the part, but they can be activated or deactivated for each individual part.
WIP location enabled if 'Production' origin, 'Sales' destination
Select this check box to use the WIP location feature for parts you have produced for sales purposes.
To use WIP locations for a part, you need to set the relevant option in the part details on the Logistics tab. The settings from the Basic data form have already been copied to the part, but they can be activated or deactivated for each individual part.
WIP location enabled if 'Production' origin, 'Production' destination
Select this check box to use the 'WIP location' feature for parts you have produced for further use in the production process.
To use WIP locations for a part, you need to set the relevant option in the part details on the Logistics tab. The settings from the Basic data form have already been copied to the part, but they can be activated or deactivated for each individual part.