This is the production order on which the goods have been produced.
This field shows the destination of the production order:
This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
For production orders with a customer order as their destination, the field shows the offer and/or order. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
This field shows the part code of the part for which the production file has been created. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
This field contains the revision of the part produced. This is the revision that was valid for the part to be produced at the time the production file was created. The Revision field shows the revision of the part specified on the selected line. If revisions are not used in your company, the value of this field is always '000'.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
This field shows the number of parts originally specified as 'to produce' in the production file. This quantity is displayed in stock units. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
Once you have received all parts from production, select this check box to confirm the production order as complete.
Also select this check box when you receive fewer parts than initially specified, and you know these parts will never be received. This will indicate that you will not receive any more parts for this production order. If it is a production order for stocking purposes, the non-received parts will not be included in the further stock transactions either.
If you select this check box and process the receipt line, the following happens:
If a production order has been confirmed as complete, no more purchases can be made under it. Hours and purchase invoices can still be posted to it, however.
The destination can be 'Sales', 'Production', 'Stock', or 'Not yet known'.
If you have specified a production order that has only one destination, this destination will be filled in automatically. Then specify the quantity of parts you are receiving for this destination.
The parts created under a production order may have multiple destinations. In that case, create a receipt line for each destination, and enter the correct destination and part quantity on those lines. They could be parts that may be intended for the same sales order, but for different lines.
When a production order has multiple destinations, these destinations are automatically displayed in the panes at the bottom of the form.
When the production file of a particular type has only one destination, the correct destination will automatically be filled in as soon as you specify the type. This might be the case if a production file has a 'Stock' and 'Sales' destination, but only one sales line applies to sales. If you then specify the 'Sales' type, the relevant sales line will be filled in immediately.
If the type includes multiple lines (for example, multiple sales lines) against which deliveries are to be made, select the line to which you want to assign the parts in the destination window. Then click the corresponding button to retrieve the data from the line, and insert them in the Destination section of the form.
Choose 'Not yet known' if you do not yet know the destination at which the goods will be received. Then specify a warehouse and location where the goods will be stored until the destination is known.
Note: You can register only one destination/line for each receipt line. For example, if you will receive a production order on two sales lines of one sales order and one stock line, you always need to create at least three receipt lines.
If the type is 'Sales', these fields show the sales line and subline the production order has as its destination. If the production order has only one sales line/subline as its destination, this will happen automatically. If the parts in the production order are intended for multiple sales lines/sublines, select the destination in the Sales order destination window, and click the Apply sales order button to retrieve the data.
If the type is 'Production', this field shows the production order the production order has as its destination. If the production order in which the goods are produced has only one production order as its destination, this will happen automatically. If the parts in the production file are intended for multiple production orders, select the destination in the Production order destination window, and click the Apply production order button to retrieve the data.
If the type is 'Production', this field shows the part line of the production calculation on which the goods will be used as components. If the production order in which the goods are produced has only one part line order as its destination, this will happen automatically. If the parts in the production file are intended for multiple part lines, select the destination in the Production order destination window, and click the Apply production order button to retrieve the data.
Click the Stock line button when you receive a (partial) delivery you want to add to the stock already present. If you choose a specific stock line, you will be sure that the parts received will be assigned the same stock features as the stock already present.
If you do not choose a specific stock line, the receipt is registered with the same stock features as the receipt line. The warehouse and location are determined automatically based on the details entered for the part, but you can modify the values in these fields.
The WIP location line button is used only if a fixed WIP warehouse/location combination is used for each part. Then click this button to add the received parts to the WIP warehouse/location combination where you want to store the parts.
If you are not using a fixed WIP warehouse/location combination, use the Warehouse and Location fields to register the WIP stock location of the parts.
Note: A WIP location line can be specified only for goods with a 'Sales' destination.
Use this field to assign a status to a stock line. Examples are 'Being inspected', and 'Not released yet'.
Use this field to register the number of parts you have received. Together with the stock unit, this quantity is used to calculate the quantity.
The quantity is calculated automatically based on the quantity filled in above and the Length * Width * Height values specified in the production order. You cannot modify the field.
You can use a lot number to identify the origin of a group of parts.
Note: Certificates are external codes which a parts supplier has assigned to a parts lot or a single part. Lot numbers are internal codes which you assign to a parts lot.
Use this field to enter the certificate number specified by the supplier. The certificate number enables suppliers to guarantee the quality of their parts.
Note: Certificates are external codes which a parts supplier has assigned to a parts lot or a single part. Lot numbers are internal codes which you assign to a parts lot.
Use this field to specify:
Authorization of a receipt line here means setting the Receipt status field to 'Ready for processing'. Receipt lines can be processed only if their Receipt status field is set to 'Ready for processing'.
This field shows the user code of the user who created the line. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
This field is very important if you are using the 'FIFO' (First In, First Out) issue sequence. If you are using the FIFO principle, the receipt date you enter here will determine which goods will be released from the warehouse first.
If you are using the 'Random' issue sequence, you can specify the receipt date here for information. The goods will then, however, be added to an already existing stock line, provided that the other stock features are the same.
Displays the sales lines specified as the destination of the production order (Production order field below Origin). If a production order has multiple sales lines as its destination, select the sales line you want to specify on this receipt line, and click the Apply sales order button. The data will now be retrieved and inserted on the receipt line.
Displays the production orders specified as the destination of the production order (Production order field below Origin). If a production order has multiple production orders as its destination, select the production order you want to specify on this receipt line, and click the Apply production order button. The data will now be retrieved and inserted on the receipt line.
Displays the stock lines specified as the destination of the production order (Production order field below Origin). If a production order has multiple stock lines as its destination, select the stock line you want to specify on this receipt line, and click the Apply stock button. The data will now be retrieved and inserted on the receipt line.