This is the origin of the parts you are issuing:
This is the destination of the parts. The options depend on the origin of the parts.
Origin |
Options |
- Production order, planned: |
If the issue is a planned issue against a production order, you are required to fill in the relevant production order. |
- Production order, unplanned: |
Use this setting when a part calculation line for the part you are issuing has not yet been added to the production order in which you want to use the part. When this setting is used, the Production order and Part fields on the issue line are mandatory. The further handling will take place on an actual costing basis. You cannot manually specify a part calculation line; it is created automatically once the issue has been processed. |
- Cost center: |
An example of issues by cost center are sanding belts used on a sander at a particular department. |
- Production order, planned: |
If the issue is a planned issue against a production order, you are required to fill in the relevant production order. |
- Production order, planned: |
If the issue is a planned issue against a production order, you are required to fill in the relevant production order. |
You can use this informational field to print reports, such as for the issue of materials, in the order specified in this field. You can also use it as a selection method when mass-changing or mass-processing issue lines.
If the parts to be issued were produced in a production order (From field), specify the production order the parts originate from.
When the origin of the parts to be issued is 'Purchase', use this field to specify the purchase order and the purchase order line on which the goods have been purchased.
Click the Stock line button to select a specific stock line from which you want to issue the parts. If you do not select a specific stock line, the issue is recorded with the stock features of the part line.
Click the WIP location line button to select a specific line from which you want to issue the parts. If you do not choose a specific line, the issue is recorded with the features of the production part line.
If the origin is 'Stock', this field will display the amount of stock available at the location specified.
If you are issuing the parts from stock, specify the warehouse location the parts will be issued from.
You can use a lot number to identify the origin of a group of parts.
Note: Certificates are external codes which a parts supplier has assigned to a parts lot or a single part. Lot numbers are internal codes which you assign to a parts lot.
Use this field to assign a status to a stock line. Examples are 'Being inspected', and 'Not released yet'.
Use this field to enter the certificate number specified by the supplier. The certificate number enables suppliers to guarantee the quality of their parts.
Note: Certificates are external codes which a parts supplier has assigned to a parts lot or a single part. Lot numbers are internal codes which you assign to a parts lot.
This is the stock date of the selected stock line.
If you are using the FIFO method, the stock date is equal to the date on which the goods for this stock line were received. When you are going to issue goods, you must therefore issue the goods with the oldest date first. This happens automatically when you create issue lines for FIFO parts.
If you are not using a particular warehouse management technique, the stock date is equal to the first date on which the part was placed in stock.
If the parts are destined for a planned or unplanned production order (To field), specify the production order/line for which the parts will be used.
If you selected 'Cost center' in the To field, specify the cost center here.
An issue to a cost center means that the costs incurred cannot be allocated to a production order, as the costs are indirect costs, for example oil or sanding belts for a machine. These costs are to be posted to the cost center specified.
For planned issues to production orders, the part is filled in automatically. Manually enter the part if the issue is not planned or an issue to a cost center.
This is the revision of the part you want to issue. The Revision field shows the revision of the part specified on the selected line. If revisions are not used in your company, the value of this field is always '000'.
This is the total stock present for the part, and therefore the stock available across all warehouse locations.
This the quantity you want to issue. To place parts (remainders) back in stock, fill in a negative quantity.
Specify the length, width, and/or height per piece. Whether or not you can fill in one or more of these fields depends on the setting of the Unit code field on the General tab of the Parts form:
Unit code |
Can a length be filled in? |
Can a width be filled in? |
Can a height be filled in? |
Quantity |
No |
No |
No |
Quantity * Length |
Yes |
No |
No |
Quantity * Length * Width |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Quantity * Length * Width * Height |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
This field contains the result of the conversion of the quantity to be issued in stock units to the quantity in purchase units. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.
This is the number of parts for the selected calculation line as determined in the preliminary costing phase.
This is the amount (Quantity*Length*Width*Height) for the selected calculation line as determined in the preliminary costing phase.
This field contains the result of the conversion of the preliminary amount expressed in stock units to the preliminary amount expressed in purchase units.
This is the number of parts that has been used for the selected calculation line. These data are retrieved from the actual costing process.
This is the amount (Quantity*Length*Width*Height) used for the selected calculation line. These data are retrieved from the actual costing process.
Quantity used in purchase units
This field contains the result of the conversion of the amount used expressed in stock units to the amount used expressed in purchase units. These data are retrieved from the actual costing process.
Specify the date of issue. This date is used as the posting date.
Use this field to specify:
Authorization of an issue line here means setting the Issue status field to 'Ready for processing'. Issue lines can be processed only if their Issue status field is set to 'Ready for processing'.
Select this check box if there will be no more issues on a particular part calculation line of a production order. If you select this check box, the relevant part calculation line will automatically be confirmed as complete in the production order. On the Production calculation for parts form, the Complete check boxes next to Origins, Stock and/or Origins, Purchase will be selected. When the origin is 'Stock', any remaining stock reservations will also be canceled.
This field shows the user code of the user who created the line. This is an informational field that cannot be modified.