Production order, External operation line
Use the Production order field to specify the production order for which the external operation is required. Use the External operation line field to specify the calculation line for which the external operation is required.
This field is filled automatically if a change was made to the selected purchase line. You cannot modify the field.
Note: The check box is not selected if a change was made to the purchase offer header or the purchase order header, for example if the contact has changed. This check box only alerts users to changes directly related to an order.
Specify the number of pieces on which the external operation is to be performed.
Number of units per piece, Quantity * Number of units per piece
If the unit code of the external operation is 'Quantity', the Number of units per piece and Quantity * Number of units per piece fields will not be used.
If the unit code of the external operation is 'Number of pieces * Number of units per piece', you will see the number of units per component to be processed. The Quantity * Number of units per piece will then show the number of units that is to be processed.
Number of units |
or |
Number of pieces |
* |
Number of units per piece |
50 pieces |
10 boxes |
of |
5 pieces |
15 m² |
5 sheets |
of |
3 m² |
400 kg |
80 fences |
of |
5 kg |
30 m |
30 pieces |
of |
1 m |
This is the date on which the parts must have been returned by the party performing the external operation.
This is the date on which the components must be shipped to the party performing the external operation.
This check box is selected automatically if receipts have been registered for the selected purchase order or purchase order line, or if purchase invoices have been processed. You cannot modify the field.
You can use purchase statuses for purchase lines for external operations. They will allow you to monitor the progress of your purchase offers and orders. The purchase status can be changed only by using the Change purchase status process.
Because of the posting of commitments, you can change a status only to the same status type or higher; an 'Order' type status, for example, cannot be changed to an 'Offer' type status.
Status type |
Can be changed to |
Status type |
Offer |
Offer, Order, History |
Order |
Order, History |
History |
History |
This field contains the purchase price of the external operation. If you change the price, any commitments and goods to receive will be modified and journalized. If the Use standard values option is selected on the calculation line for external operations, the price is determined based on any applicable pricing scale. If no valid pricing scale is found, the price is copied from the External operations form. If you change the quantity, the purchase price will be redetermined, except if the Modified check box is selected. If you run the Get price process from the Edit menu, the price is redetermined based on all changes that may affect the price, regardless of the Modified setting.
Note: If the posting date of a purchase order line falls outside the posting period specified in the financial settings, the fields that cause a price change can no longer be changed.