Create purchase requirements for sales file

Run the Create purchase requirements for sales file process to create all purchase requirements for one or more sales offers, sales orders or production orders in one go. This process will generate the total requirement for the offers or orders:

The calculated purchase requirement is available in the Transaction files folder of the Purchase module. A purchase requirement is not binding. It is up to you to decide which items listed on the requirement you actually want to purchase.

When the purchase requirements are created, the minimum stock level of a part is also taken into account.

Interchangeable stock of part revisions

If you are using Revision Management and the stock of part revisions is set to be interchangeable, then the stock of all revisions of a part can be used. If the stock levels of all revisions are collectively insufficient, a purchase requirement is created for the last released revision of the part. If the setting is not enabled, the stock is only calculated for the revision selected on the sales line, and, if necessary, a purchase requirement is created.


Selection data

Purchase requirements to create

Fixed data

Duration of creation period, From date, To date

From production status, To production status

Which existing order purchase requirements do you want to delete?

Which existing stock purchase requirements (apart from requirements created by MRP) do you want to delete?