Part issues

Use the Part issues form to register the parts to issue. The parts could be parts you are issuing from stock or production, or to-order parts you are issuing after you have purchased them. Parts can be issued:

It is also possible to return remainders to stock by recording a negative stock issue.

To register multiple issues at the same time, for example issues for the same sales order, sales offer, or production order, you can also have the issue lines created automatically. In that case, you will not have to manually create an issue line for each issue.

When issuing parts, the procedure to be followed depends on whether the goods were purchased to order or for stock purposes:

You are also not required to register the issue of parts from production to production.

Once you have registered the issue lines, you need to process the lines. Any postings required will not be made until the issue lines have been processed.

Note: You can process an issue only if the line has an issue date and the processing status is 'Ready for processing'.