Order response generated by Isah
This section describes the content of an order response message as generated by Isah when an order confirmation is sent to a customer electronically.
Order response type: scsn:OrderResponseType
A document used to indicate detailed acceptance or rejection of an Order
Business rules
- BR-14 : On a single OrderLine, the DeliveryLocation MUST be the same for all Delivery items
- BR-22 : SCSN restrictions on UBL PartyType
- BR-23 : Only the SCSN party sub elements SHOULD be implemented in UBL
- BR-24 : Only the SCSN address sub elements SHOULD be implemented in UBL
- BR-25 : SCSN restrictions on UBL AddressType
- BR-10 : Promised date of a delivery is mandatory in an OrderResponse message
- BR-12 : The status element is mandatory in an OrderResponse message
- BR-13 : The order line identifier MUST be unique within the context of an Order or OrderResponse message
XML mapping
Contains sub-elements.